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Orlando Alberto Cubillos

Home Page


As seen on vacations brochures, but this is real... it's Cartagena - Colombia

My favorite links




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Revised: 22 March  2006






"About this page"


Hi folks, my name is Orlando Alberto Cubillos and actually I am actually attending  the MBA program at the Naval Postgraduate School.

The purpose of this page is to share with you my background, interests, hobbies, concerns....


When you move into a new country your first impression is that you're disconnected from you homeland so,

here is my solution for that: news from Colombia.


But I also need an space to keep me updated on my organization and professional profile, so I need to be linked to

this my Navy site

......but all before would be worthless if I don't use this time to show the positive face of my country, the REAL COLOMBIA


Here is a sample of my favorite music



More about me: A short biography



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