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Massage Therapy in North Raleigh

  Benefits of Massage

About Massage Therapy

I offer Massage Therapy in a private home office in north Raleigh (near Lead Mine Road and Sawmill Road.) I also offer Massage Therapy in your home for an additional travel fee. I have been licensed in North Carolina since 2004. I offer a calm, relaxed atmosphere and a quiet massage to relieve stress and pain. I am also a fulltime college instructor. Therefore, my appointments are limited. Please call me at 919-673-6136 or email me at to schedule an appointment. Rates are $60 for a one-hour massage, payable by cash or check.

Massage Therapy is a healing art. Massage was common in the ancient world among the Greeks and Romans in the West and in China in the eastern world. Although it fell out of favor in the western world for many years, it was reintroduced around 1800. A Swedish therapist began the revival, which has grown steadily. A modern therapist provides a massage with the client comfortably draped with linens and lying on a padded massage table. Licensed massage therapists use their hands with lotions and creams to relieve the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints of aches, pains & stress.

Therapeutic Massage is of great value in daily life, but its values extend far past physical relief.

Massage also serves as an instinctive nurturing technique used since the beginning of mankind. When a friend is depressed and crying, we console them by rubbing their back. When a child is woken from a sleep and crying, we pat their back to calm them and put them back to sleep.Relaxation Massage serves us with emotional & mental relief.

What other form of therapy do you know that treats your physical, emotional & mental needs? It's hard to believe that something as basic as massage can uplift your mind, body & spirit.

Benefits of Massage

The movement of muscle and other tissue by a skilled practitioner helps with the following & more.
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Increases energy
  • Increases relaxation
  • Decreases adhesions
  • Stimulates lymphatic drainage
  • Increases resistance to disease
  • Increases range of motion
  • Stimulates secretion of endorphins
  • Increases tissue elasticity & flexibility
  • Decreases recovery time from exercise
  • Increases functioning of immune system
  • Decreases muscle tension & discomfort
  • Circulates blood, removing metabolic by- products
    & bringing oxygen & nutrients to the tissues
  • Call today for an appointment! -Lynn Erla Beegle, LMBT 4385, 919-673-6136

    Isaiah Chapter 40, Verse 29

    "He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might, He increases strength."