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Dream #1 July 28th 2014
i was... well i wasn't the kid, but my point of view was just outside and usually slightly above and behind his head but what's strange is like it was me, just didn't look like me. lol but he went up to a house and was trying to get a cat for you. first i go around behind the house where the cats were and there was one cat that was mostly black with a few spots of white, i think it was paws and under the chin, the rest were another color, but all about the same color, but i can't remember what color, they were friendly but every time i turned away all the other colored ones would fight super ferociously to the point where i kept getting knocked over by them, but none of them hurt me then i noticed further back in the yard there was a cemetery, the back and sides were boxed in with trees, and although the grass of the yard and the grass of the cemetery area was mowed to the same height and looked of the same type it had a maroon kinda color to it, a perfectly straight line bisecting all the way across as i crossed into the cemetery area, which i hadn't even gotten remotely close to the graves yet i heard weird moaning sounds and shit, like there were zombies about, i ran as fast as i could back to the house so i walk up to the porch, there was what i thought was a statue in the middle of the porch, it was a man sitting on the top step with his face in his hands, not moving at all, he was bald and for lack of a better color he was black, but it was a redish black, almost like the cemetery grass only more black and less red i ran my hand over his head as i passed and it didn't even feel like skin, it felt like stone, and his clothes were the exact same color as his skin, only lending even more to the idea it was a statue i pass him and go to the door and get the impulse to look back, and when i do he has gotten up and is half way across the yard heading to the road and i call out to him asking about the cats and he turns back and looks, even his eyes and teeth are the same color as the rest of him, but he had a look of terror in his eyes and turns away and walks more quickly away and yes, i know, super duper massive wall of texts. lol guess you have something to read every time you go to the bathroom til you get back. lol anyway, that's not even the end, so i turn back to the front door and this kid with long, straight, blonde hair about to his shoulders is standing in the doorway, he steps outside as i see him, he is talking me, something about the outside being the inside or something, and that his mother is inside, i can see like her left arm and part of the back side of her head from where she is sitting facing away from the door in a high backed chair i walk inside and i get several waves of sensation as if time has passed but it's as if the world has ceased to exist, when i become aware of the world again the father has me pinned against the wall by the door and him and the mother are talking, they want to kill me so i don't tell their secrets and i keep saying i won't tell but they don't seem to believe me, then it occurs to me for some reason to swear to god, so i do, and that seems to work and the father pretty much throws me out i run and run trying to get back to my house, i'm coming down a hill and a man and a woman in suits come out and yell at me to stop, and they are speaking to each other but i can make out what they are saying, they are saying not to say they are police cause they don't want to scare me so i slow down a little and let them catch up to me, and they grab me and then my parents show up, which aren't my real life parents, but the child who i have been floating around and followings parents, apparently i/he had been gone for like days. they were going to arrest the people for kidnapping me, at that point the dream gets kinda fuzzy and i don't remember much else but i seem to recall somehow being back at the peoples property again

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