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Recently I entered into a competition with my brother. 'Who can make the most money online in one month...'

And here I am. If you would like to donate a dollar to my cause, please click the link below.

Otherwise, you can read the long version of how I came to be in this position before making up your mind.

It began one sunday night...

Ok, so it's 12:30 AM and I was surfing the internet. I got a little board so I started thinking a bit. Hmmm, There has to be an easy way to make some money on the internet. That's about all the thought I gave it before I shout out to my brother in the other room "Hey lets have a contest!". It sounded like such a great idea at the time.
"Oh yeah? what sort of contest?" came the reply.
'Get out now, while you still can.' My brain screamed at me and with all my might I tried to listen to it but the words just flowed out without me even thinking about have I got myself into...

So here I am about an hour later trying to scramble my tired mind together for 3 minutes, just long enough to come up with a really great idea....




Ok so maybe it takes a little bit longer than that, but still, I have entered into a contest, a challange, a fued of whit. Call it what you will, I need to win. Sure, the money would be really great but that's not the whole issue here. Brothers always compete. It's what they are born to do. And this is my chance to shine.

"What does the winner get then?" Came my brother's evil, scheming voice from a land that now seemed so distant.
I knew I was going to do it again. I could feel it coming and there was nothing I could do. My mind screamed down to me and I didn't listen, I couldn't listen, it just came out....%10..........other'

Ok so here's how it goes. My brother and I both have one month to raise as much money we can on the internet. We both have paypal accounts which need to be filled and the winner now gets %10 of the other persons doe. Hmmm great.
Well, at least if I don't make any money I won't have to pay him much.
That's not very comforting.

Ok so my brother comes waddling over and has a read of what I just typed in and basically just laughs and makes jokes about how 'gay' this page is. Well, you know what that says to me, it says that he is just a little scared that this might actually work. Excellent, I'm on my way to success, to victory. Ignoring the facts that I just spelled the word 'excellent' wrong and had to go back and correct it and my pudgy brother just walked past and called this 'gay' again, I plunder on.

Okay, Here's the Plan. I am going to try to convince as many people as I can to donate one dollar to me in the hopes that they may save me from the wrath of my evil brother. This site is the first step. Then I will go through chat rooms, send letters to magazines and so on and so forth. Hopefuly I will make just a few dollars more than he will and that will ensure my victory. Every dollar counts however, so if you are reading this right now, please send a donation to me. If you have read this all the way to here then you can clearly see that I am losing my sanity over this and I would be eternally grateful for just a simple donation of $1. Hell, if you are feeling generous, why not send $2. We will soon see who the victor is....