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Part II

It's Valentine's Day, and you're in New Hampshire, or rather, I'm here instead of there. I looked into buying a Jet-Man thing, but it turns out that they're both expensive and dangerous. Plane tickets didn't work, I have neither a driver's license nor a car (although I'm working on it), and the teleporter can't teleport people yet. As much as I wish there weren't nearly 400 miles between us, there's not much we can do for now (by the way, as you're reading this, 10 days!). Here's the good news: I got the remote working. Kind of.

Actually, this is the "remote." I can't pause time, but I do plan on taking you back in time over some of the best memories I've had this year. It's kinda like a remote...

And this is technically Part I since the other part will arrive tomorrow. Sorry about that. This also means you can ignore the directions you get tomorrow. It was all part of a shady scheme to, well, be as shady as possible.