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Sports History

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I played the basic sports in elementary school such as volleyball, basketball and track and field. I guess my favorite sport would have to be the track and field as I finished top city wide for the most part. My coach said I had a gift back then when he watched me jump 5’6” in grade 7 when I was only that height myself. This is probably where I started developing my fast twitch muscles that fire so quickly in the bench press today.

First year of high school and at age 14 I couldn’t wait to play football, being 5’8 and 180 lbs and could run the 100 meters in record time in track. I was bound and determined to be the running back. I ended up playing both full-back and middle-linebacker, and even though we lost far more games than we won it was by far one of the most fun sports I participated in.

I played basketball for 3 years until my senior year. I was far too short for basketball now, and by this time 200 lbs and a bit muscle-bound from hitting the weight room and decided to try wrestling. I wrestled only the one year and finished 5th in the province. I learned what discipline was in the sense of cardiovascular training while participating in this sport. I still keep in touch with my wrestling coach today. He is a big supporter in my powerlifting and he motivates me like few others with his kind words. Thank you Mr. John O’Farrell you are one of the reasons I want to excel.

Graduating high school I knew that I had better get into something besides weight training or I would gain too much weight having the slow metabolism I am cursed with. I called on my good Friend Norm Rivard jr,  a 2nd degree black belt in judo and 1st degree black belt in karate. I trained judo on and off for 3-4 years and won a few provincials titles but didn’t commit myself the way I should have and kind of just had fun with it. My weight training played a big role in this sport as I just bulldogged everyone.

At age 26 I entered my 1st and last bodybuilding show and anyone who says this sport is a breeze should try dieting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Since then I have been lifting heavy weights on and off the last 14 years and have never been stronger. Special thanks to the power pit powerlifting team who keep me safe and healthy on the big weights I push, and for motivating me to get even better.

Since I started training at the age of 14 I have obviously tried every routine, exercise and diet going. The one major factor that everyone encounters in powerlifting or bodybuilding is that you need to let your body recuperate. Over-training happens too often and you will not make the gains that you should if giving your body the rest it deserves. Try to find people who have the same goals you do, and feed off each others motivation and strive to be the best you can be.

Most people ask me what my trick is to have a big bench and it is simple. There is no trick, just hard work and setting realistic goals. I bench 4 days per week, every Sunday & Wednesday heavy and every Monday & Friday light. I am cautious about putting how many sets and what weight I use, as my program is very advanced and for someone to try and follow my % could cause injury. Anyone interested or has any questions I can be contacted at Shawn O'Halloran.

Currently I am in the 750 range in the squat and 620 for the dead lift with intentions on training these harder after the 2006 world bench press championships.

You can find a Biography of my career on the Athlete Bio Link under Favorite Links.

I would like to thank all of my sponsors and a special thanks to MIDLAND STEEL LTD for all their help. For information on my sponsors, just click on their logos on the sponsor page.