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Hey all. It's Amy! Yes, my page is the customary "black with red words". I know... I'm so unoriginal.

Anywho. I have many obsessions. As it is now, the list is growing every day... and, heck, I decided to make a little site where I can post stuff... useful, unusual, cool, ect... about such things. I have alot of things on here... or at least I will. In time, you will soon come to see I'm a very... unique, person.
I do not have many taboo-s. And saying that, I don't mean I'm an extremely sexually perverted person. Ew. What I mean is I'm... strange. I like Rob Zombie. That's not so weird. You're saying. Oh yeah? I love Disney music. I can quote to you the entire dialoge of Beauty and the Beast, sing my favorite song from Little Mermaid...

If you're still with me after that, then good. Most people are put off by the "Rob Zombie and Disney music on the same CD" stuff.

Well, you didn't come here to listen to me ramble on about myself. ;)

So, look around, see what you came here to see. I have alot of things that I know about, and I will post all I know about on that subject. Eventually this site is going to spread from my obsessions to my interests, to my religion, to my thoughts, my self... ah, you get the picture.

Learn, live, and let loose!

Oh, and, one more thing: If you have anything to tell me... about my obsessions, something I may have left out, something you might want me to look into (as I may like that as well), or any such thing, e-mail me!

What I've Gots So Far
(Click on the name of the subject your interested in)

  • Lord of the Rings (under construction)

  • Harry Potter (under construction)

  • Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (under construction)

  • Redwall (under construction)

  • Tarot (under construction)

  • Writing (coming soon)

  • Morrowind (coming soon)

  • Oblivion (coming soon)

  • Thief- The Video Game Series (coming soon)

  • The Phantom of the Opera (coming soon)

  • Foamy the Squirrel (coming soon)

  • Homeschooling (coming soon)

  • Meditation (coming soon)

  • Zork- The Underground Empire (coming soon)

  • Broken Sword (coming soon)

  • Slade or Deathstroke (coming soon)

  • Vampires (coming soon)

  • Bellydancing (coming soon)

  • Mythology (Covering what I know of Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Nordic, and other mythologies) (coming soon)

  • Music (Listening to and Making) (coming soon)

  • Dreams (Analyzing, Remembering, ect.) (coming soon)

  • Religion (Many types and the basic of thier beliefs, ect.) (coming soon)

  • Movies (coming soon)

    May you all enjoy! More to come soon!

    P.S. Before anyone e-mails me about this, I thought I'd point out that, yes, I KNOW my title pic is spelled wrong. It's not "obessions" it's "obsession". I'm just too lazy right now to change it. :) After I finish all the links and most of the info on 'em, I'll change it.

    ~Amy~, Search Engine Marketing
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