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21st of September of Every Year



They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

—Laurence Binyon 1914

If time is a measure of our life then 01:23 at Ukraine on the 26th April 1986 is a moment that should linger in every living soul's memory.

It is a time of special significance, it is a time that should be noted and remembered on the Day of Peace of the United Nations (21st September) for all time.

The Chernobyl disaster should never be allowed to slip from our memories and we should pray together for a better world—more and more and more with every year until people got used, by tradition, to a time of general world prayer.

Looking back, with the blinding vision of hindsight, this man remembers.
Mikhail Gorbachev—24 April 2006

"The explosion at Chernobyl showed that we are capable of contaminating the planet for the long term, and of leaving a terrible legacy for future generations. Today, mankind faces a challenge so huge that, by comparison, the Cold War appears like an incongruous vestige from the past.

"Chernobyl clearly demonstrated that each disaster is unique and that no country can be prepared for every eventuality. That is why we must deploy the maximum amount of effort to prevent disasters. One must not compromise on nuclear safety. The social, ecological and economic consequences of these kind of disasters are much too heavy in every sense of the word.

"We can therefore see what enormous responsibility is placed not only on politicians, but on scientists, engineers and designers—their mistakes could cost the life and health of millions of people. The victims of Chernobyl continue to suffer both physically and mentally. It is our moral duty to help them while continuing to limit the ecological consequences of this disaster."

These pages are extracts from BBC ©

Remember, if for just ten minutes from
8.00pm to 8.10pm on the 21st of September.
Throughout the world