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History Webpage

Confederate Or Union





Civil war Background Information

The Civil War took place 1861-1865, it was the greatest american war in history. Over 3 million people fought and 600,000 people died. The civil war was the only war fought on American grounds by Americans. For more Information go to Civil war timeline in the main menu.

Union Background Information

The Union was the North part of the U.S during the civil war. They were going to attack the South and try to stop the sessesion. The Union had many more advantages then the Confederates did. To view them go to Benefits under the union menu.

Confederate Background Information

Confederates wanted to continue to have slavery and when Lincoln was elected he wanted to stop the sessesion. This cuased the North and South to Split and the civil war began. The Confederates had little advantages during the war, to view them go to Benefits under the Confederates menu.

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