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norman oklahoma airsoft


Welcome to Norman Oklahoma's Underground Airsoft Website!
Where we provide you with the best Airsoft News,Events and games in the community. We will also give you the inside looks of what's Going on & what we are doing inside Norman Airsoft.

Click here to see a video of the team!

Norman Airsoft's first holiday Operation! Happy easter!

The war is comming & The ivasion date is near. With olny 6 weeks left much work needs to be done. S.T.A.R.S. will be traning every week to be ready for the invasion. Intoducing 3 New team members to the Squad! Brandt Warner , Scott Kelso , and Aaron Rider. They were officialy on the team two weeks ago. There might be another team member coming very soon. We our keeping our eyes and ears open for any suggestions you have for Norman Airsoft. We also have a dot com website too that will be up and running soon. ( That's it for now so watch your backs and be ready for the Invasion.

The Warpigs were out once again for some more Battles. The New game status is up for evreyone to see. The games sunday were a blast of course! A blast of Granade launcher shells... 3 games were played plus an additional night game, but it was never finished. There are 3 possible new Members of the S.T.A.R.S. team coming soon! Including 2 more airsoft Fields and those long lost Buisiness cards everyones been waiting for. More Pics will be posted too. Many things will be happening soon. Invasion Oklahoma 2007 will be here before you know it. Get ready prepared because Warfare is no joke. Until then keep coming back for updates. We will be waiting for you!

The War is coming. We are hosting yet another game this Sunday(02/25/07) at Kingston field 1:00pm so get ready for the action! We plan to have many people and many suprises for everyone to see. We will have a variety of games of the old and new. Water will be provided for everyone.After some games will get some pizzas from Little Ceasers so if you can bring a couple of $dollars. Get your Gear ready and prepare for a war of a lifetime. watch your backs we will see you there!


Top 10 Battle Rifles:
10: M14
9: sturmgewehr 44
8: 1903 Sringfield
7: Steyr AUG
6: Mauser Model 98
5: FN Fal
4: M1 Grand
3: Lee Enfield SMLE
2: M16
1: AK47
Email us and tell us what you think about this list?


Happy Martain Luther King Jr. Day! Much stuff is going on. The snow has locked everyone inside and the cold just keeps coming! But that does'nt stop Norman Airsoft. We recently played a game in Edmond/Waterlou or somthing like that. Once again it was a blast! With many guns on the field S.T.A.R.S. was victorious and dominated in tactics. The Norman Airsoft players were excited to play a large game like this and plan to play in large games like this all the time. 11 on 11. New things are on the site! We have a team picture, New profile pics, more about joining the team. We Now have a video on the site and on you tube. We now present to you a New member of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team Steve Young! So check it out , thats it for now watch your backs because the war is coming soon!

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