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Vietnam Voices

Letter Collection Proposal:
Voices of Vietnam

This a family project. My grandfather fought in the Vietnam War during his air force days. I really want to dig up some history on my grandparents. They did not keep the letters that they wrote to each other, but they did something else in its place. They recorded tapes to each other. My grandfather even recorded messages to my mother when she was a little girl. I believe that those tapes have a vocal letter to each of them. They not only recorded to each other in Vietnam. Some of those tapes took place in Thailand. I really want to learn about what it was like in Vietnam for my grandfather. He has told me some stories about his days while he was in the air force, but I want more to sink my teeth. They all just seem so interesting to me. Everyone talks about WWII, the Civil War, or the Revolutionary War. The Vietnam War wasn’t really popular at all during its time and it seems to be shrugged off to the side at times. I want to look into it and find out what is was like for my grandfather, his wife, and his daughter during that time. These tapes will also be a fresh approach to letter writing. Not all letters during that time had to be written down on paper. Some could be recorded and better saved for later generations. Plus, I believe that these tapes could give everyone a look through the eyes of a black soldier in the air force during the Vietnam War.