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Repeat Rhymes

I am not a fan of writing rhyming poetry. It hurts my brain to think of the next word to rhyme. But since this assignment had some repeating lines to it, I was not bothered at all. The lines did not have to break off at as fragments this time. All of the lines are all complete sentences. To me, I just focused more on rhymes than end-stops or enjambments. As a result, all of the lines just became end-stops. Since I did not like writing rhyme poems that much, I just kept everything simple. I did however have a slant rhyme with the repeating lines. I could not think of any words that I wanted that rhymed with “baby.” So, I chose the word “daddy” for the other repeating word. The rhyme scheme did not really affect my poem. I did have to switch the word order around for the line, “Too bad innocence and beauty makes girls’ pretty cotton candied heads thick.” (Line 16.) Surprisingly, the rhymes fit in just fine. I did have a little trouble putting it all together at one point. The lines in the main lines didn’t rhyme at all. I have to look up the rhymes for “baby” and “daddy” to fix my problem. But, it all worked out in the end. I may not enjoy writing rhyming poems too much, but I like how this one turned out in the end.