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My Five Lenses

Female Lenses

I am a woman. I tend to be a bit feminist as well. It’s how I was brought up with my mom, grandma, and aunt. I like plays where the women are in charge. It is so interesting to see the guys being the ones to have to work for the woman just to keep her happy. I cannot stand when she is being abused or looked down upon. That just isn’t right at all. Women are more than just mere pretty faces and sex toys. We have everything and can do everything we wanted. In fact, I believe women are far more than men!

Black Lenses

Along with being a woman, I am black. I don’t really care much about race, but I cannot stand discrimination of any sort. Everyone, no matter what race, creed, background, or sexually should ever be treated like dirt because of what they are. I will not still through a play where a black person is portrayed in negative stereotypes. I prefer a play where all races are portrayed accurately. Plus, I love plays with interracial relationships. I just love to see romantics that don’t fit the social norm.

21-year-old Lenses

I am twenty-one years old. That means I am in the early adult years of my life. (I hope to live out further into very ripe-rotting old age.) I want to be more involved in the adult world. I have no interest in plays directed towards little kids anymore. I want plays that reach out to the adults. I do like some things made for kids, but that is only rare. I will aim for things that a twenty-one year old would usually like.

ADD Lenses

I have attention deficient disorder. It is ADD for short. What that means is that I do not focus well at all. I have tendency to multitask all of the time. A play has to hold my interest until the very end. I tend to like things such as Shakespeare, Asian theatre and love stories. Anything that I think is boring, I will mentally turn off and let my mind wander around until it has finished. That is just how my brain operates all of the time. So much goes on inside that even I have a hard time sticking to one train of thought for a long period of time. It just goes in all different directions all of the time.

Middle Class Lenses

I am from close to a middle class family. I do not really know, so I am taking an educated guess on that one. I think I would relate more with characters that live normal lives. Not poor or rich at all. Just living comfortably in between and making through day to day. I am not rich nor am I poor. I just live in the middle and get really nice things from time to time each year. A play with a middle class family with problems is easy to relate to for me. I can understand where they are coming from.