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Sunday's Mistake

The day was a nice, sunny day and the gentle spring breeze blew through the window of the lovely princess Aneko. Then a few minutes after the alarm clock rang, she woke up screaming. So the young maiden jumped out of bed and got ready for school. Our young maiden washed her milk chocolate skin and combed her pink dyed silk textured hair straight and put it into two long ponytails.
Then she got dressed into her school outfit: a velvet dark purple skirt, white blouse, and velvet dark purple jacket. Then she put her white cotton socks and black leather schoolgirl shoes on her feet. Aneko ran out of her room. She ran quickly down the stairs to the kitchen where she grabbed breakfast, which was a chocolate breakfast bar.
Her mother, her uncle Mitch, and her boyfriend, Takeru tried to tell her to slow down they don't go to school today, but she kept on running. She ran across the streets of Tokyo to get to school because she thought she was late again.
Some of the teenage geishas were wondering why the princess was in such a hurry. But when she got to the gates of the school, it looked dark and empty. There was nobody in the building. She was wondering why. And then finally, it hit her. Today was Sunday and the children of Japan don't go to school on Sunday. So the princess walked all the way home, got into bed, and slept the rest of the morning.

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