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Let the Pictures Talk

A picture says a thousand words. That is true in a sense. One photograph can deliver a whole story to anyone willing to listen. Art in general does a great jog of that. Sets on movies and dramas are no exception to the rule. Glengarry Glen Ross on the stage his some beautiful sets based on the pictures. They capture the audience’s attention and hold it hostage until the very end. Santo Loquasto did a great job with them. The pictures are proof of their hard work.

The pictures are of a Chinese restaurant and an office at work. Both sets look so live-life. The Chinese restaurant looks so beautiful. The red is the first thing that I noticed. It seems to pop right out at you and drew you in. I have always loved Asian things and this scene caught my attention right away. The office scene looks so realistic and dull. The first color that caught my eye was the white. The office scene looks so pale and lifeless. Both scenes are so real. It makes me believe I can just get up from my chair and walk straight into them. The colors just explode right into one’s face. They draw everyone that looks right at the sets deep into and hold them hostage until the very end. The colors are bright enough to wake up the dead. The mood of the Chinese restaurant suggests that it is a land of freedom and dreams. The office makes me think that is it reality and a boring place to be. Loquasto took their time to make it stand out in the audience’s minds. The sets make the audience believe that the characters are ordinary people just like themselves. This what the audience wants. They want characters that they could all relate to. The characters in the pictures make me feel that I would know them in my own community.

The pictures make me think that the play is about ordinary people trying to make a change to their boring lives. The first picture shows to middle-aged men looking bored. They seem to want an escape from the office so badly. I even think that the Chinese restaurant is their place of escape from the boring life of the office. The audience and I can understand their boredom and their desire to escape reality. After all, that is what everyone wants now and then. The sets are organic and natural. There is nothing fake about both of the sets. They are as natural as flowers that grow in a natural park. The sets are also smooth and they curve to fit the whole idea of the play. The smooth curves add the finishing touches to the powerful reality of the play.

Every element of the sets of Glengarry Glen Ross comes together naturally. The pictures deliver a powerful message that will stand the test of time. I would love to see this play and experience the sets in real life to be lost in its reality.