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Creation of Spirits
    Before creating the Earth, Kami knew he needed help. So he took hoshis, (Hoshis=stars in Jap.,) bits of cloud, and dust and threw them around. Kami then blew on the rubbish. The rubbish took form into strange and beautiful-looking people. They had soft perfect skin, lovely clean hair, radiant eyes, and they were tall and elegant. Kami was pleased with his work, but didn’t know to call them. The creations were so perfect… Then an idea struck Kami. “You will be called ‘Tenshis’.” said he. Then Kami blew his breath into them and tenshis came to life.

    Kami gave orders to his new workers on day one of creation. “Go out onto the earth and make what needs to be made.” he said. “Hai san!” the tenshis said. Then they all flew out onto the earth without question.

    The tenshis created the plants, animals, the land, and the seas. But disparate the beauty of their work, something was still missing. But what? One tenshi, Bayu, saw what it was. So she went to Kami and said: “My lord! We’re missing creatures like ourselves in the living realm!” Kami nodded. He all ready knew and created male and female humans.

    Kami made Lucifer, Raphael, Michael, and Bayu to be his right-hand tenshis. He made certain tenshis into high officers. Kami even made Mi-chan in charge of the unborn-souls. These high officers decided to keep certain powers locked away. So they formed them into dust and stored them away in them away in the soul-weaving level. Mi-chan guarded them for eternality.

    However, things were not all peaceful in heaven. Some of the tenshis plotted conspiracies against Kami and the tenshis. Lucifer was head of these conspiracies. Now Lucifer and Bayu were in love with each other secretly. Bayu was faithful to Kami and refused to believe that her lover was plotting against their master. So she decided see for herself. Bayu brought sake and grapes to Lucifer. “Come in Bayu-chan!” he called to his beloved. The tenshi complied. Lucifer rushed forward and kissed her ardently and tenderly on the lips. For a moment, Bayu lost her train of thought and was seduced by Lucifer. The charming tenshi led them to his bed.

    Soon, Bayu remembered her mission. “Lucifer.” said she. “Hai my darling?” her loved asked. “Tell me, is it true that you’re plotting against Kami?” Bayu asked. Lucifer paused and then held her tight. This is all he said: “Hai. I’m trying to bring a revolution. Will you come with me?” Bayu refused immediately. “I understand. But I will love you no matter what happens.” Lucifer said. Then he kissed Bayu again.

    Six weeks later, the conspiracy began and failed. Those against Kami were thrown into exile. Bayu was heart-broken for her lover. Gabriel took Lucifer’s place as right-hand tenshi.

    All those who were exiled formed a new kingdom. Lucifer became their king and named the fallen tenshis onis.

    That is how the supernatural came to be.