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Not everyone can stay faithful. Some people just have the urge to stray. It happens. There is no known way to stop it. Some people will not change. This is not about how to stop cheating. I am just here to talk about who is cheating in the TZA Universe. Here we go.

Subject: Simon Williams

Series: Euphoria

The Skinny: In the first series, Simon was a total jerk. He was inspired by Tony Slater from the UK version of Skins. (What is this American version that you speak of? It does not exist.) Just like Tony, Simon consistent cheats on his girlfriend, Casper. He messed around with a snobby girl named Gabby. Casper put up with so much. The breaking point was when Simon cheated on with Jake, one of Lexie's personalities. After his sister, Darcy, gets into trouble on a night out and nearly losing Casper to another boy, Simon tries to change his ways. It would take getting hit by a bus for him to fully change.

Sizzle Factor: Steamy

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