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All’s Well That Ends Well… Maybe

Writers tend to wind down at the end of a story. Sometimes, the endings go out with a bang. Sometimes, they just fizzle out. It just depends on how much creative juice the writer has left in them. Mark Twain did a decent job with Huck Finn. Like everything else he does with his work, he kept it realistic to the very end. Twain did a good job of wrapping things up. Everything played out rather nicely. Huck and Jim did get to go home safely. Jim saves Tom from dying after he is shot in the leg. Jim is freed in the end because Miss Watson freed him before she died. He also gets the respect that he seriously deserves. Huck is permanently free of his pap. (Pap died in the earlier chapter. Jim was the one who found his body.) Everything plays out to the cooling point and grinds to a full stop gracefully. Also, Twain kept the story from repeating itself in the end. Huck decides to go west when Aunt Sally decides to adopt him and tame him. He says, “But I reckon I got to light out for the Territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally she’s going to adopt me and sivilize me and I can’t stand it. I been there before.” (Pg. 294) I think Twain pulled that one on the audience to keep from starting the same cycle and losing everyone in the end. Over all, I found the ending pretty decent. Twain certainly made it different. To me, that is a good thing to behold!