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Adultery Case




Other Woman



A bedroom


Scene 1:


[The wife opens the door to her bedroom and walks inside. She finds her husband in bed with another woman. Shock completely comes across the woman’s face.]


Wife: What’s going on here?!?


Husband: Sweetie, it’s not what you think!


[The wife is not listening. She rushes forward to hurt the other woman.]


Wife: You hussy!!!


Other Woman: Please don't get angry at me, miss! I didn't know he was your husband!


[The wife still does not listen! She grabs the other woman by the throat and tries to strangle her! The husband grabs his wife and tries to pull her off. After a few seconds, he manages to pull his wife off and get her to calm down. The wife sits on the floor crying. The husband and the other woman stare at the wife confused.]


Husband: Sweetie, what’s wrong?


[The wife looks up at him with tears in her eyes.]


Wife: [To the other woman] Ten years! Ten whole years! I have been married to him for ten whole years! I have slaved over a hot stove and cleaned the whole house from top to bottom every single day we have been married! I have never asked him for much. I have always stayed loyal and true blue to him! I love my husband to the very core. But now, I feel like my heart’s been ripped out, stepped on, and shot at many times.


[The wife turns to her husband]


Wife: How could you do with me?!? Haven’t the past ten years meant anything to you?


Husband: She don’t mean nothing to me!


Wife: Do I mean anything to you?


Husband: Uh…


[The wife breaks down crying again]


Wife: I want a divorce.


[She turns to the other woman]


Wife: Thanks for ruining my marriage!


[The wife runs out of the room]


Scene 2:


[The wife opens the door to her bedroom and walks inside. She finds her husband in bed with another woman. Shock completely comes across the woman’s face.]


Wife: What’s going on here?!?


Husband: Sweetie, it’s not what you think!


[The wife is not listening. She rushes forward to hurt the other woman.]


Wife: You hussy!!!


Other Woman: Please don't get angry at me, miss! I didn't know he was your husband!


[The wife still does not listen! She grabs the other woman by the throat and tries to strangle her! The husband grabs his wife and tries to pull her off. After a few seconds, he manages to pull his wife off and get her to calm down. The wife sits on the floor crying. The husband and the other woman stare at the wife confused. The other woman sits up straighter in bed. She is panting for air after the attack. The other woman realizes what she has done and decides to make it right.]


Other Woman: Let me explain myself. The past few weeks have been hell for me. I got laid off from my job, my father died last week, and my boyfriend just left me. So I went to the bar to drown my sorrows. Then, your husband came up to me and told me I was beautiful. He even bought me a drink. He made himself appear to be single. If I knew he was taken, I would've said no. So, please don't take your anger out on me. I am an innocent bystander. I am so sorry! I really am!


[The wife looks up at her in tears]


Wife: [Sobs] You really mean it?


[Other woman turns to the husband]


Other Woman: How could you lie to your wife and me?


[The husband just shrugs]


Other Woman: You haven’t just hurt your wife. You’ve hurt me as well! I can’t believe this! Men are such pigs!


Wife: I know.


[Both women go quiet. Wife runs out the room in tears. The other woman gets out of bed, gets dressed, and goes after the other woman]
