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"STAY OR MOVE, OR STAY AND IMPROVE" Now YOU have a second chance at your buyback homeownership!


KEY: What is going on.
SOLUTION: What we can do to help! Despite what is going on.

*Restart and Reset your mortgage
*Protect your credit report and credit rating
*Home Improvement Clause
*Lease back and Stay clause
*BiWeekly program that save over 10 years in home purchase back terms
*BiWeekly program that save you multiple thousands of dollars in interest payments
*A Percentage of your equity dollars back in your hand at the closing table, to eighther
1.Stay in your Home Sweet Home or, 2.Move on, to another happier location. Living happily ever after.

Advantages over listing with a realtor

It's free to list with a realtor... but realtors sell homes in the thousands of listings, a buyer sees your listing... don't see something they like about one part of your house, and they just skip to another home, on the thousands and thousand and thousands of other homes on the realestate market. Why is this... it's because of the MLS, the (Multiple Listing Service.) gives them such a large, huge veriety to choose from, making them have a sort of a finicky, picky, choosey, attitude towards you home being sold. sell properties ONE AT A TIME, all our efforts is put into the sell of your home not with the watered down MLS listing making your home less than a neddle in a hay stack. We are the pitbull of realtors on steroids.
FSBO Inc. $1149.00 Distinctive Lifestyles (Full Page Premium Package)... for your listing on "For Sale Buy Owner" AKA "FSBOs" and you must come up with $1149.00 upfront to list with them. With us your not listing your home your selling your home to a rehaber that will allow you to buy it back. Selling to the public through FSBO, you can't buy your home back from the buyer. He or she rents your home out or stay themselves. Plus it will take over thirty days to get you home sold with them. That's why charges no more than $10 consultation fee.
Sold to rehaber, no to the public, if a realtor sell your home to the public anyone can buy it, disabling you from the option of you buying your home back, be possibly be put out buy a public buyer (landlord) because their cousin, brother, or sister is in town and YOU have to move out because they need a place to move to.
Sold faster than if listing with a realtor because we put all our efforts into the sale of your one house, making it blazingly sold much faster than a realtors efforts. After we submit your home via Mail, Email, and Fax, to thousands of understanding Rehabers that will be told your property's situation and how you the homeowner will, if desired.... stay in your home sweet home form now on.
Redeam a percentage of your home equity, at the closing, of the sale of your home. Giving you the benifit of eighther moving, or staying in your home sweet home with equity dollars in your bank.
Our rehaber's goal is to purchase properties to fix-up and sell, guess who to....You the former homeowner, assuming you stay, if you desire to stay in your Home Sweet Home, the rehaber knowing, that this was YOUR home, and that the misfortune of your possible home forclosure, disabling you to forclosure bailout, and now enabling you to buy your home back. The MONEY you didn't have previously to pay the mortgage payment you desire to stay and get a percentage of your equity about 85% to 90%, Imagine a beautiful sunny day, spring cleaning time incoming summer breeze flowing through you opening windows and filling your home with fresh spring sented fresh air, while our rehaber's workers put brand new siding on your house and/or a fresh coat of paint and triming. Workers remodeling and MAKEOVER your Kitchen and Bath with new things. Fix problem plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning problems. Brand new door knobs all through out your home's doors. Workers finishing your basement for more living quarters. and it won't cost you a quarter, why because your now buying back your home from the rehaber and the rehaber is improving your home to the maximum value possible.
Stopping and/or Preventing forclosure on your home, keeps your credit from becoming scarded with a late payment and/or forclosure on your credit report and credit score.
Slice years, and years, off the seller finacing terms length, and the money saved into the nultiple thousand of dollars.
Imagine the sun is shining on a beutiful sunny day you just got off work yours whtching Television, while home improvement team is fixing up your home why because the rehaber that we sell to improve your home as you repurchase your home from forclosure with more equity dollars in your bank to pay the mortgage and find additional work to keep the ball rolling. THE END

Tell us about your situation privately....anomously
NoForclosure Application Form