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Niraj Kumar Murarka

Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati - 781039



Objective                               Seeking a challenging summer training for approximately

10 weeks during the summer break 2007.     



Personal Information


Date of Birth:                           24th August , 1987


Sex:                                         Male


Nationality:                              Indian


Permanent address:                C/o Mr. Basuki Nath Murarka ,

H. No. 977, Sec. 10 ‘A’

                                                Gurgaon - 122001


Current address:                      Room No. 329, B-2,

Kameng Hostel,

IIT Guwahati,







Academic Record


Cumulative Performance Index(after 3 semesters)                   8.04  (on a 10-point scale)


All India Rank (JEE – 2005)                                                      1126


Class 12   (C.B.S.E - 2005)                                                         91% marks


Class 10 (I.C.S.E - 2003)                                                             93.2% marks                           



Skills and Proficiencies


Programming Skills:                C, Turbo C++, GW Basic, Java ,8085 Assembly Language ,HTML


Software Packages:                 PSPICE, MATLAB              


Operating Systems:                 Windows 98/2000/XP, Dos



Research Interests


·         Developing Algorithms

·         Robotics & Artificial Intelligence

·         Image processing



Relevant Courses To Be Covered Till April 2007




1.       Basic Electronic Devices and their Applications

2.       Semiconductor devices

3.       Microelectronic Circuits

4.       Analog and Digital Circuit Design

5.       Principles of Communication         

6.       Electrical Machines and Power Semiconductor Devices

7.       Opto-electronics

8.       Signals and Systems                    

9.       Probability and Random Processes 

10.   Basics to the C Programming Language

11.   Data Structures and Object Oriented Programming(In C,C++)

12.   Algorithms




1.      Basic Electronics Laboratory

2.       Analog Electronics Lab

3.       Digital Circuit Design Lab

4.       Analog Communication Lab(both Hardware and Software)

5.       Data Structures and Object Oriented Programming(In C,C++)

6.       C Programming Laboratory

7.       Electrical Machines and Power Semiconductor Devices Lab



Projects Done/Undertaken





 Maze solver

Designed a semi-autonomous robot controlled through Matlab program to search a shortest path through a maze of black and white color using image processing. While tracking the path commands to the robot were given according to its present orientation.


       Jigsaw Puzzle

Developed an algorithm to solve a jigsaw using concept of image processing. Any image broken into any number of parts and jumbled up could be traced back to form the original image.


       Text Editor

             Code on a Turbo C++ platform was written for a simple Text Editor, which incorporated

             some necessary functions.


Simulation of Different Modulation Schemes (A.M., F.M., P.M.) using MATLAB

Code in MATLAB was written to generate a Graphical User Interface to simulate the      different Amplitude Modulation Schemes (A.M., DSBSC, SSB, VSB) and Angle Modulation Schemes (F.M., P.M.) along with Demodulation of the above.





Programmable Gain Amplifier

Design of an amplifier using analog switch CD4066 was done whose gain is to be controlled depending upon the code denoted by the control bits.


      Automatic Gain Controller

Using JFET as a voltage controlled resistor an AGC circuit was realized such that the circuit maintains its output constant over a wide range of input amplitude.


      Amplitude Modulation Using JFET

Implementing JFET as a voltage controlled resistor an Amplitude Modulator circuit was designed to realize an A.M. and a DSBSC circuit.



     One Lane Traffic Controller

To control the two way traffic in a single road segment that connects two-lane road segments using counters and sensors.


     Fibonacci Series Generator

Designing and implementing a synchronous sequential circuit that will generate Fibonacci Sequence till the nth term , where n is the input.


     Lamp handball

Designing and implementing an electronic game of handball using light to simulate the moving ball.





·     Listed among the top 0.6% students appearing in IIT JEE – 2005.



Extra Curricular Activities


·      Have been in the Event Organizing Committee-Alcheringa-2006 & 2007, the annual Cultural Festival of IIT Guwahati.

·       Member of the Event Organizing Committee-Techniche 2006 ,IIT Guwahati’s National Technical Festival.

·       Actively took part in the various cultural activities in IIT and have also won accolades in    the events ranging from Fashion Contest to Dramatics in Manthan, an Inter Hostel Event.