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AMERICAN JUSTICE: What we have is an Anti-Constitutional Money-Sucking, Crime encouraging, Five Ring Circus



CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO SEGMENTWest Los Angeles - For years this hateful neighbor yelled several times a week for hours at a time, vulgarity, threats to ones physical being, profanity and slanderous lies. Several times with the Los Angeles Police observing. This activity occurred from 1980 - 1995, in front of 2045 Parnell avenue, west Los Angeles, several times a week, sometimes several hours a day. I purchased my first $1000 Sony video camera in August '94. In less then six months the Los Angeles police stole and destroyed the video camera and Judges started taking my parents photographic privileges away because their Jew son violated 'HITLERS NAZI NUEREMBURG LAWS". This is only an unedited four minute sample collected from August '94 thru January '95.

Click on the image to download an 'mpg' file and hear what my family has had to listen to for 20 years.

Nazi hate text from video tape


CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO SEGMENTBoth, numerous neighbors and government accuse my family of 'always video taping'. If I was always video taping then these 'Nazi' neighbors were always stalking, threatening, attacking and persecuting my family.

Click on the image to download an 'mpg' file and see what my family and several other neighbors have had to tolerate for 35 years.

I am hoping that everyone will be asking themselves, “How come these 'Nazi convicted criminals' know they can violate their 'PROBATION', 'RESTRAINING ORDER',


CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO SEGMENTthat I worked so hard in obtaining, existing laws, attacking my parents in broad daylight in front of a video camera with numerous witness's and they also know that 'Jew Boy' and his family will be persecuted for their crimes.

Click on the image to download an 'mpg' file to view and hear my mother being attacked by convicted criminals because this government protects, encourages and supports 'Hate Crimes'.



I have numerous video segments of my self being attacked in different parts of the neighborhood. The city filed assault charges against 'JEW BOY' because this individual violated her probation and restraining order and attacked me. My crime is I caught it on video tape. If I would not have, these money sucking, treasones, anti-constitutional city attorneys would have successfully thrown 'JEWBOY' in Jail and I probably would be dead now.

Click on the image to download an 'mpg' file and view myself being attacked in front of my parents home and if you listen, you will hear that my attacker is already planning the charges that the city attorney will be charging me with.



This video segment occurred 2 days after the previous segment. The detective stated in his investigation that he was not able to determine when these incidents occurred. I am calling 911 emergency on the video tape.

Click on the image to download an 'wmv' file and view my family being stalked as they are walking home.



While Nazi June Diane Earle standing next to Nazi Helen Hill photographs Frank Maschkowski on his front porch, Nazi Helen Hill is telling Frank he is not allowed to photograph.

Click on the image to download an 'wmv' file and view my family being stalked as they are walking home.



I can not walk so now I have to drive everywhere. Here is an example of what happens.

Click on the image to download an 'mpg' file and view this convicted criminal blocking my vehicle and yelling.



Hate Crimes in west Los Angeles This Brick was Thrown with extreme force Thru our Dining Room window because several of the neighbors forced the government to clean up a neighbor’s property. Each time the court orders the city to clean up that property, several of the neighbors gets together and persecute my family because we are Jewish and the Police, city attorneys, Judges encourage and support Hate Crimes.


I always thought that capturing the crimes on video tape, presenting the evidence to the courts and allowing the courts to decide whether crimes were committed is the proper procedure. I have never been able to defend myself my entire life. I did not even sneak around with a hidden camera. I felt the video camera would act as a deterrent. At first it did until the police, city attorneys, and several judges repeatedly sent messages to these 'NAZI' neighbors, do what ever you want to the Maschkowski's, we will not allow Jews to photograph and record the hate crimes. Hitlers Nuerenburg Laws took photographic privileges away from the Jews 60 years ago; several Los Angeles judges put those laws back into effect today.


Stop the Hate

FBI Uniform Crime Reports: "Of the 8,759 hate crimes reported to the FBI in 1996, 63 percent were based on race, 14 percent were based on religion, 11 percent were based on ethnicity, and 12 percent were based on sexual orientation. Approximately 42 percent of the reported race-based crimes were against blacks, and the vast majority of reported hate crimes based on religion were against Jews and Jewish institutions, according to the FBI statistics."

Philadelphia Inquirer Online - Oct 9, 1998 Here are a few of the supporting documents that you might wish to review:

Historical Comparison

Nazi hate text from video tape

Conditions of Bail


Probation Report

Defendants Statement




Hate Crime Suppression Unit

Elderly woman residing blocks away were being attacked and run out of the neighborhood

LA Times Photo of Garbage Dump

Defending our selves with water hose.

Declaration of a Fire Department official

Two different professional Process Servers refused to serve again

Next door neighbor who is also violating codes made impossible statements

Their attorneys statement about his own clients

Their attorney attempted to take the photographic and audio recording privileges from several neighbors



This is '44' She has been assigned the task of creating this Web site. Don't disturb her while she is working.


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