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Chemistry Classes


Homework will be given daily, is due at the beginning of period the school day after it was assigned, and will be worth 5 to 10 points. A periodic quiz consisting of 1 or2 homework problems from the past week may be given in lieu of collecting homework.

Tests and quizzes will be used to check your understanding of concepts, procedures, and information. Quizzes will be worth 10 to 20 points and will be given at least once a month. Tests will be worth up to 100 points and will be given 2 or 3 times a quater.

Labs will be worth 10 to 30 points and will be graded on safety, participation, and write-up. I expect neat handwritten or typed reports. I'll also assign small research projects throughout the semester.

You must make up missed tests and quizzes the day you return, and you must submit missed homework assignments and labs within two days for every one day you missed. Failure to make up work within these time frames will result in a 0 for that test or assignment.


I can meet with you before or after school. I will also be in my room (H113) during most lunch hours. Please do not hasitate to stop in if you need extra help -- do not wait! Chemistry is a building subject, and it is very hard to catch up once you fall behind.


We will be doing lab work nearly every week. Because of the potential danger of any lab excercise, I will hold you to the highest standards of behaviour, and will remove you from the class if you pose a threat to yourself or other students.
  1. Follow my written and oral directions carefully and immediately.
  2. Never perform any procedure not specifically directed by me or assigned in the lab.
  3. No playful behaviour is permitted in the lab.
  4. Safety equipment must be worn as directed at all times, even if you find it uncomfortable or unbecoming.
  5. No food, drink, or loose clothing are permitted in the lab.

Chemistry with Dubé is like medicine with a spoonfull of C12H22O11!