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Many of the killings were due to criminals, not the Phantom

Dear Editor,

The PNC/R is relying on very flimsy evidence to try to build a case on their allegations of "state-sponsored" terrorism.

There is no way they can try to make such an allegation based on the killings of, as they say, the last 14-24 months.

Are they trying to tell us that all the killings in and around Buxton from February 2002 when passengers in minibuses and other vehicles passing through Buxton were robbed and several killed were all a part of "state-terrorism"? Such an allegation is totally ridiculous and cannot be supported. It looks like what the PNC/R is trying to do is to cover their tracks and their record over this period of time, when they were accused of being closely associated with the violence and try to deflect the blame on to the government, by creating confusion in the minds of people.

They will not succeed in their attempt to tarnish the Government.

Yours faithfully,

Malcolm Alli