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Businessman gunned down on Brickdam

killers escape with over $2 million




Dead: Akbar Alli


Akbar Alli, 35, was shot and killed yesterday afternoon by two bandits opposite King Solomon’s Enterprise, on Brickdam.
Reports reaching Kaieteur News stated that the man, who was a scrap metal dealer, had just withdrew some $2.1 million from a city bank, before heading with his wife to another city bank after which he then proceeded to Brickdam with the intention of transacting business with an auto dealer.
This newspaper understands that at approximately 13:00hrs, Alli, of Logwood, Enmore, East Coast Demerara, parked his motor vehicle and with his wife, Rameena Alli, who had the bag containing $2.1 million in her possession, came out of the vehicle.
As they exited the vehicle, two men rode up on a motor cycle and the pillion rider, who was armed with a handgun, held them up and took away the bag and rode away.

Relatives of the dead businessman in tears after learning of his death

Akbar Alli began running behind the motor cycle and the armed man shot him in his chest. The victim was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he died while receiving medical attention.
Relatives of the man who turned up at the hospital yesterday told Kaieteur News that Alli was one of the ‘biggest’ scrap metal dealers in the country, and that he would visit the bank everyday.
This time around, he had gone to the bank to withdraw money to pay his employees and to do other business.
His wife, Rameena Alli, who was with him when the robbery occurred, was still traumatized over the incident and was not in the state to talk about what transpired.
Akbar Alli leaves to mourn his wife and two young children.

 Friday, July 25, 2008