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Welcome to my website, I have been around the internet for a very long time, so I have decided to archive the history of my travels and experiences on the World Wide Web. I have spent at least half of my existance within the realm of cyberspace, so there will be many places to explore here - with due time. I am doing this site entirely for my own selfish pleasure, so updates will come and go as I feel like working on them.

Since the medium I still prefer to use is VPlaces, many of the updates on this website will be relevant to there. I don't really engage in modern day social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and such, but I do have pages. I will not, however, be sharing my facebook to anyone in this realm, as it is only for friends and family to see that I know IRL. If you happen to see me in Virtual Places (I go by the name Miyu, Reina or ReiHime) don't bother asking me for it. This goes the same for pictures of myself, asking me for a phone number, asl, or whatever...the requests will be ignored. I have a complete seperation of my real life and my virtual life and intent to keep it that way.

About me: I am a very private person and do not associate my activities with my real life, so the information I share here will be strictly pertaining to cyberspace. The only thing I will tell you is that I am a woman in my 30s and that I have been on the internet since my mid teens. I have been in and out of Virtual Places Chat since its very beginning and I still have many attachments to the community, even though it has been far outdated with other social media.

Stats (Yes I know, my worshippers love them.)

Age: 30s (I'm not telling the exact number...)

Years active online: 1996 - current

Years active in VP: 1997-2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011-2014

Political Views: I am most definitely not a leftist.

Philsophy: Objectivsm: If you don't know what that is, google it.

Likes: Dolls, Books, Gaming, Chess, Cards, Cooking, Cosplay, Erotic Fiction, Lolita (Sweet and Gothic), Netflix, Bunnies, Kitties, Fish and Aquariums, Stargazing.

Site Updates

5/20/2014: Added some more VP Historical Links.

1/18/2014: Added a few more VP Historical Links, including my old Avatar Page. New Avatar site coming...sometime.

1/10/2014: Updated the main page for Fixed a few minor bugs on the Facinaturu pages.

9/15/2013: Purchased a domain for the site. More updates in a few months when I fix other pages.

6/19/2011: Added four new places. Check in the list if you want to see them.

5/26/2011: Release day. Yay me. More updates to come as I feel like doing them.