Real Name: Telepinu

Occupation: God of freshwater and vegetation

Legal Status: Citizen of Celestial Dilmun

Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Telepinu except as a mythological deity.

Other Aliases: Nindar (possible Assyrian name), Aleyin (Babylonian name), Melqart (Phoenician name), Aruna (Hittite name)

Place of Birth: Mount Saphon (modern Jabal al-Aqra) in Hattia (now part of modern Turkey)

Marital Status: Married

Known Relatives: Hadad (father, alias Teshub), Anath (mother, alias Hebat), Nanse (wife), Enlil, Ninurta, Martu (paternal uncles), Kus (maternal uncle), Inanna, Ninlil, Zarpandit (aunts), Ninkasi, Zintuki (sisters), Dumuzi (cousin), Ea (father-in-law), Damkina (mother-in-law), Marduk (brother-in-law), Nina, Nisaba (sisters-in-law), Gaea (ancestor, alias Tiamat/Ninhursag)

Group AffiliationsThe Gods of Mesopotamia

Base of Operations: Celestial Dilmun

First Appearance: Telepinu has not yet appeared in the Marvel or DC Universes

History: Telepinu is a member of an other-dimensional race of beings known as the Anunnaki, who were worshipped as gods in ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq). One of the most favored of the Mesopotamian gods, he is the favorite son of Baal-Hadad, Ruler of the Anunnaki, and Anath, goddess of the sun and war. Telepinu was worshipped as the beneficent god of water, creating rain for crops and the harvest to grow. Telepinu showed mortal man how to farm and assisted his father in slaying the dragon, Illuyankas.

When Enlil overthrew Hadad as ruler of the gods, the Anunnaki fled for Mount Saphon for safety. Telepinu wandered off alone and became lost in the desert until he collapsed from fatigue. In his absence, crops dried up and famine occurred. After Hadad regained rule, the mother-goddess Hannahanna (known to the Greeks as Gaea) sent a bee to sting Telepinu to awake him, but he woke in a rage, the pain of the sting spurring him to create storms and lightning. Ningal, the goddess of healing, (known to the Hittites as Kamrusepa) and wife of Nanna, the moon-god, calmed him and cured him of his madness.

Telepinu was credited with helping to rescue his father, Hadad, from the underworld, and rescuing Shamash, the sun-god from Ea, the sea-god. Shamash had fallen from heaven during the war with Ullikummis, getting caught in a net by Ea. Ea is so impressed by Telepinu's eloquence to obtain Shamash's freedom that he offers his daughter, Nanse, to Telepinu as a bride. Ea, however, asks from Hadad a dowry of five thousand sheep to own as a replacement for his daughter.

Telepinu's modern activities are unrevealed. 

Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 410 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Strength Level: Telepinu possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) 30 tons under optimal conditions.

Known Superhuman Powers: Telepinu possesses the conventional physical attributes of the Anunnaki or Mesopotamian gods. Like all of the Anunnaki, he is long-lived, but he is not immortal like the Olympian gods. He has aged at an exceptionally slow rate since reaching adulthood and cannot die by any conventional means. He is immune to all Earthly diseases and is resistant to conventional injury. If he were somehow wounded, his godly life force would enable him to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of his bodily molecules to cause him a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for a god of significant power, such as Anu, Ea or Enlil or for a number of Mesopotamian gods of equal power working together to revive him. Telepinu also possesses superhuman strength and his Anunnaki metabolism provides him with far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. (Anunnaki flesh and bone is about three times as dense as similar human tissue, contributing to the superhuman strength and weight of the Mesopotamian gods.)

Telepinu also has minor mystical abilities to create rain and storm. He can imbue rain with mystical properties to hasten the growth of plants, even to mentally take control of them to follow his bidding. Telepinu can conjure rain showers and increase upon them in power and scope to become thunder storms, but his prowess over the weather is not as great as that of Ninurta or Enlil.  

Comments: Telepinu has not yet appeared in Marvel or DC Comics

Last updated: 06/08/08


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