Real Name: Varuna (His Vedic name; Ormazd is his name in Persian mythology)

Occupation: Ruler of the Yazatas (Persian Gods), god of order and justice, former Chieftain of the Adityas

Legal Status: Citizen of Nirvana

Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Ormazd except as a mythological character. He was well-known in Ancient Iran (Persia) and India.

Other Aliases: Ahura Mazda, Ahuramazda, (Persian names), Nagaraja (Brahmanic name), Ulgen (Altaic name), Waruna (Indonesian name),

Place of Birth: Unknown

Marital Status: Married

Known Relatives: Purusha (father), Gaea (mother, alias Aditi), Mithras (brother), Madira (wife), Himavat (father-in-law), Dyaus, Dharma (sons), Indra, Vayu, Surya, Tvashtri (grandsons), Ushas, Ratri (grand-daughters), Vohu Manah, Asha, Sharevar, Sraosha (sons), Gayomart (son, deceased), Armaiti, Ameretat, Hauravatat (daughters),

Group Affiliations: The Yazatas (Gods of Persia) and the Adityas (The Vedic Gods)

Base of Operations: Elysium, formerly Nirvana

First Known Appearance: "Pantheons of the Mega-Verse" by C.J. Carella

History: Varuna is the son of the primeval god Purusha and Gaea in her ancient role as Aditi, the divine ancestor of the Adityas, or Vedic Gods of Middle Eastern Asia. Varuna was one of several gods of the Hyborian Age, a period of time which existed between the sinking of Atlantis and before the advent of written records, but he gained greater prominence at the end of the Hyborian Age. He became leader of the Adityas and as a god helped to lead the Vedic tribes of modern India to develop a culture which has lasted several millennia. 

Varuna took the wine-goddess, Madira, as his wife and had several children, but he had several children out of wedlock. Among his children was the sky-god Dyaus who mated with the goddess Prithivi and became father of Indra, the thunder-god. Prithivi could be another incarnation of the goddess Gaea, but this is uncertain. Indra became friends with Vishnu, his half-brother and became one of the most powerful of the gods. (If Vishnu and Indra are both sons of Gaea under her various roles as believed, they would be half-brothers of Varuna). As the god Ormazd, Varuna also became father of Gayomart, the divine ancestor of the kings of Persia.

With the god Mithras and the storm-god Rudra, Varuna ruled as part of a triad of deities constantly at war with demons known as the Rakshasas ruled by the demon-king Ravanna. Eventually, the Rakshasas conquered heaven and earth and reduced the Vedic gods to subservient roles. Varuna was forced to be water-carrier to Ravanna. The god Vishnu, however, went through nine avatars, mortal identities, through which he decreased the power of the Rakshasas and restored power to the gods. Varuna, Mithras and Rudra stepped down as ruling members of the Vedic gods in favor of Vishnu and his brothers Shiva and Brahma. Varuna relegated himself to being a god of the sea for a while.

As ruler of the gods, Vishnu steered mortal man toward tenets and beliefs where they would be reincarnated to other lives depending on how they behaved on earth. Much of these beliefs became part of modern Hinduism and were carried to other countries and cultures on Earth. Varuna instead adhered to a system where the righteous were delivered after death to a location of fulfillment while sinners were delivered to the underworld of Patala ruled by Yama, the god of the dead. Varuna inscribed his beliefs into a primeval text of laws and beliefs known as the Avesta. In the Twelfth Century BC, under the name Ormazd, Varuna handed down the Avesta to the sage Zarathrustha who developed these basic tenets into the religion of Zoroasterism. In those texts, Ormazd had described Ravanna as the eternal enemy of gods and man under the name Ahriman. Several beliefs in the Avesta were adopted by the early Hebrews and Christians into the Torah and the Bible as well.

Assisted by his children, Ormazd helped to lead mortals to enlightenment. They became known as the Yazatas or Persian Gods of Earth. They have been at war with the Rakshasas from the underworld for millennia. They have been joined by several espoused Vedic Gods, such as Mithras and Agni, the fire god who became known as Atar in the Persian Empire. Despite their common origins, the Yazatas have had uneasy relations with the Hindu Gods as well and consider each other as distant rivals. Since the fall of the Persian Empire, there are not as many worshippers of Zoroasterism as there once was. Muslim belief became widespread through the area, now known as Iran, but Ormazd and the Yazatas still have worshippers in distant communities that still exist to the Twenty-First Century.

Ormazd's modern-day activities are not known. He has not appeared on earth since ancient times nor has he appeared to any of the other gods of earth in the face of recent threats to earth. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Height: 7' 2"
Weight: 535 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Bald, Black in his youth

Strength Level: Ormazd possesses superhuman strength to an unknown degree. He is possibly as strong as such gods as Vishnu and Mithras who can lift (press) over a hundred tons without using their mystical powers.

Known Superhuman Powers: Ormazd possesses the conventional physical attributes of the Persian gods. Like all of the Yazatas, he is practically immortal: he has not aged since reaching adulthood and cannot die by any conventional means. He is immune to all Earthly diseases and is resistant to conventional injury. If he were somehow wounded, his godly life force would enable him to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of his bodily molecules to cause him a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for a god of significant power, such as Mithras, Brahma and Vishnu or for a number of Persian gods of equal power working together to revive him. Ormazd also possesses superhuman strength and his Yazata metabolism provides him with far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. (Yazata flesh and bone is about three times as dense as similar human tissue, contributing to the superhuman strength and weight of the Persian Gods.)

Ormazd has extra-ordinary ability to tap into and manipulate mystical energies in a cosmic scale, such as in perceiving and preserving astral energies, commanding vast amounts of energy and moving between different levels of existence. His level of power and expertise is unknown, but he may be just as powerful as such deities as Vishnu, Odin and Zeus.

Comments: No disrespect is intended toward followers of Hinduism or Zoroasterism. I have great respect for these religions and this is my best effort to explain the convoluted details and aspects of two of the most respected religions of the world. If you have anything to add or correct, you can contact me at aesgaard41@yahoo.com  

Clarifications: Ormazd is not to be confused with:  

Last updated: 02/10/12


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