Real Name: possibly Anayaroli (her Temne name)
Occupation: Goddess of wine
Legal Status: Citizen of Afe
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Anaya except as a mythological deity.
Other Aliases: Nambi (Baganda name), Mama Brigitte (Voodoo name),
Place of Birth:
Oyo, Yoruba Territory (modern Nigeria)
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Ananse (father), Mmoatia (mother), Kibuka, Mukasa, Orunmila, Arom (brothers), Akonadi (sister), Damballah (husband), Sagbata (brother-in-law), Nyambe (grandfather), Asase Ya (grandmother),
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Africa
Base of Operations: Afe
First Appearance: (name only) Thor/Hercules Encyclopedia
History: Anaya is a member of a race of extra-dimensional beings known as the Orishas who were worshipped as gods by the tribes of Africa and by modern practitioners of the religion of Voodoo which is based on the ancient rites of the African people. Anaya is the daughter of Ananse, the half-mortal son of Nyambe, the Chieftain of the African gods. She was wooed and taken as a wife by Damballah, one of the Loa, who was worshipped as the god of the dead in African religion. However, in the Baganda traditions of this myth, Anaya is considered the sister rather than the daughter of Ananse. Worshipped as goddess of wine, she might have been also worshipped as a god by the Ewe and Fon tribes of Western Africa who pictured her as a male god named Anayaroli.

Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 375 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Strength Level: Anaya possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) 25 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Anaya possesses the conventional powers of the African gods including superhuman strength, stamina, endurance, resistance to harm, longevity and possibly the ability to tap into mystical energies but to an unknown degree.


Real Name: Asase Ya
Occupation: Goddess of earth and harvest
Legal Status: Citizen of Afe
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Asase Ya except as a mythological deity.
Other Aliases: Asase Efua (Ewe name), Aberewa (Fon name),
Place of Birth: Ife, Yoruba Territory (modern Ghana)
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Obatala (father), Odudua (mother), Lusa, Olokun, Orishako (brothers), Mawu (sister), Nyambe (brother/husband), Osebo, Onini, Mmboro (sons), Mmoatia (daughter), Ananse (step-son/son-in-law), Kibuka, Mukasa, Orunmila, Arom (grandsons), Anaya, Akonadi (grand-daughters), 
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Africa
Base of Operations: Afe
First Appearance: (behind-the-scenes) Thor #301
History: Asase-Ya is a member of a race of extra-dimensional beings known as the Orishas who were worshipped as gods by the tribes of Africa and by modern practitioners of the religion of Voodoo which is based on the ancient rites of the African people. Not much is known about her; she was a powerful goddess of some repute, but she didn't have any temples on Earth. Her mortal worshippers invoked her name whenever they cultivated a field or dug a grave in the earth and a cockerel was sacrificed to her to insure a good harvest. As wife of Nyambe and Queen of the heavens, she was revered as the divine step-mother to all the great African chiefs. In recent years, she joined with Frigga and Hera of the Asgardian and Olympian gods to find twelve human beings of extreme potential who became known as the Young Gods. 

Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 410 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Strength Level: Asase-Ya possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) 35 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Asae-Ya possesses the conventional powers of the African gods including superhuman strength, stamina, endurance, resistance to harm, longevity and the ability to tap into mystical energies on a level close to on par with Nyambe or Orishako. Her full range of power is unrevealed.


Real Name: Kibuka
Occupation: God of war and hunt, Tutelary deity of the Baganda
Legal Status: Citizen of Afe
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Kibuka except as a mythological deity.
Other Aliases: Kibuuka, Kibalso (name variants), Muhungo (Uganda name), Sakuoma (Gan name), Wiu (Nuer name)
Place of Birth: somewhere in modern Uganda
Marital Status: Single
Known RelativesAnanse (father), Mmoatia (mother), Mukasa, Orunmila, Arom (brothers), Anaya, Akonadi (sister), Damballah (husband), Sagbata (brother-in-law), Nyambe (grandfather), Asase Ya (grandmother),
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Africa
Base of Operations: Afe, formerly Lake Victoria in Uganda
First Appearance: Kibuka has yet to appear in Marvel or DC Comics
History: Kibuka is a member of a race of extra-dimensional beings known as the Orishas who were worshipped as gods by the tribes of Africa and by modern practitioners of the religion of Voodoo which is based on the ancient rites of the African people. Kibuka is the son of the trickster and culture-hero Ananse who lived on Earth as the patron god of the Ashanti before leaving Earth to live with the other gods. Kibuka was asked by his brother, Mukasa, to defend the Baganda tribes from their enemies, and from his mount in the heavens, Kubuka fired arrows to drive them away. However, he did not heed his brother's words not to take a mortal wife, and after taking a wife from Earth, his wife escaped to warn the enemies of the Baganda who distracted Mukasa with arrows fired into heaven before slaying the Baganda tribes. The repercussions of this battle have yet to be revealed

Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 455 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Strength Level: Kibuka possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) 65 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Kubuka possesses the conventional powers of the African gods including superhuman strength, stamina, endurance, resistance to harm and longevity. He is significantly stronger than the majority of the African gods with the exception of gods like Shango and Nyambe..


Real Name: Aganju (His Yoruba name, Lusa is his later Dahoman name)
Occupation: God of the sun and sky
Legal Status: Citizen of Afe
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Lusa except as a mythological deity.
Other Aliases: Lisa, Lesa, Leza, Lissa, Resa, Rezha (name variants), Lissa-Chilenga, Mawa-Lisa, Mawu-Lisa (titles), Bumba (Bushongo name), Asis (Malagasy name),
Place of Birth: Ife, Yoruba Territory (modern Ghana)
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Obatala (father), Odudua (mother), Nyambe, Olokun, Orishako (brothers), Asase Ya (sister), Mawu (sister/wife), Avlekete, Erzulie, Faa, Ayaba (daughters), Shango, Ogun, Gou, Maou, Eschu, Legba, Loco, Zaca, Damballah, Sagbata (sons), Anaya, Akonadi (daughters-in-law). 
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Africa
Base of Operations: Afe
First Appearance: Doctor Strange III #17
History: Lusa is a member of a race of extra-dimensional beings known as the Orishas who were worshipped as gods by the tribes of Africa and by modern practitioners of the religion of Voodoo which is based on the ancient rites of the African people. Lusa is the son of the sky-god Obatala, who founded the sacred city of Ife in the Yoruba territory of Africa; he is also considered the third of the African gods behind Obatala and Nyambe to serve as the divine chieftains of the African gods although his importance would be among the later Voodoo gods of Earth than the original African pantheon of gods. According to myths, he gave mortal man several gifts, including culture and several inventions. Lusa was worshipped in a dual nature with his wife, Mawu, the goddess of the moon. 

Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 450 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Strength Level: Lusa possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) 50 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Lusa possesses the conventional powers of the African gods including superhuman strength, stamina, endurance, resistance to harm, longevity and the ability to tap into mystical energies to perform limited feats of magic. The full extent of his powers are unrevealed.


Real Name: Yemanja (Her Yoruba name, Mawu is her later Dahoman name)
Occupation: Goddess of the moon and ocean, patron goddess of women
Legal Status: Citizen of Afe
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Mawu except as a mythological deity.
Other Aliases: Yemala/Yemalla (Ghana name), Yemoja (Ewe name), Yemowo (Akan name), Yemaya (Santeria name), Gleti (Ashanti name), Oshalla (Benin name)
Place of Birth: Ife, Yoruba Territory (modern Nigeria)
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Obatala (father), Odudua (mother), Nyambe, Olokun, Orishako (brothers), Asase Ya (sister), Lusa (brother/husband), Avlekete, Erzulie, Faa, Ayaba (daughters), Shango, Ogun, Gou, Maou, Eschu, Legba, Loco, Zaca, Damballah, Sagbata (sons), Anaya, Akonadi (daughters-in-law). 
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Africa
Base of Operations: Afe
First Appearance: Doctor Strange III #17
History: Mawu is a member of a race of extra-dimensional beings known as the Orishas who were worshipped as gods by the tribes of Africa and by modern practitioners of the religion of Voodoo which is based on the ancient rites of the African people. Mawu is the daughter of the sky-god, Obatala, and his wife, Odudua, the earth-goddess. According to myths, Mawu created the moon, but found it too large to life into the heavens that she requested Aido Hwedo to lift it into the heavens for her. She is also credited with creating the animals of earth, assisted by a monkey named Awe, but when Awe attempted to prove his superiority at this feat, she exiled him to Earth. Mawu also became a prominent figure in the Voodoo religion, joining the Loa in expanding her worship to Brazil and the Caribbean Islands.

Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 385 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Strength Level: Mawu possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) 35 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Mawu possesses the conventional powers of the African gods including superhuman strength, stamina, endurance, resistance to harm, longevity and the ability to tap into mystical energies. She has mystical abilities to command and control various animals to follow her bidding. She can also mystically conjure various creatures, usually animals indigenous but not limited to Africa. Her full range of powers is unrevealed. 


Real Name: Mukasa (possibly)
Occupation: God of hunting and invention, Tutelary god of the Balubaale
Legal Status: Citizen of Afe
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Mukasa except as a mythological deity.
Other Aliases:  Garanga (Nuer  name), Huvi (Angola name), Rabefihaza (Malagasy name)
Place of Birth: somewhere in modern Uganda
Marital Status: Married
Known RelativesAnanse (father), Mmoatia (mother), Kibuka, Orunmila, Arom (brothers), Anaya, Akonadi (sister), Damballah (husband), Sagbata (brother-in-law), Nyambe (grandfather), Asase Ya (grandmother), Nambubi (wife), Namba (son), Nambi (daughter),
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Africa
Base of Operations: Afe
First Appearance: Muksasa has yet to appear in marvel or DC Universe.
History: Mukasa is a member of a race of extra-dimensional beings known as the Orishas who were worshipped as gods by the tribes of Africa and by modern practitioners of the religion of Voodoo which is based on the ancient rites of the African people. Kibuka is the son of the trickster and culture-hero Ananse who lived on Earth as the patron god of the Ashanti before leaving Earth to live with the other gods. In myths, he was called upon by the mortal king Nahibinge to send protection upon his tribe. Mukasa sent his brother, Kibuka, the war-god to defend Nahibinge's people, warning his brother not to take a mortal bride, but Kibuka forgot the warning and took a bride that warned his enemies about him. Mukasa was credited by his worshippers for granting them fire and hunting tools to catch food.

Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 440 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Strength Level: Mukasa possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) 40 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Mukasa possesses the conventional powers of the African gods including superhuman strength, stamina, endurance, resistance to harm and a long life-span. 


Real Name: Olokun
Occupation: God of sea and freshwater, patron god of sailors
Legal Status: Citizen of Afe
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Olokun except as a mythological deity.
Other Aliases: Ol-Okun (variant name), Oba Jumu (Dahoman name), Opo (Akan name), Mugasha (Baziba name), Kianda (Kimbundu name), Agoue Wayo (Voodoo name)
Place of Birth: Oyo, Yoruba Territory (modern Nigeria)
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Obatala (father), Odudua (mother), Nyambe, Lusa, Orishako (brothers), Asase Ya, Mawu (sisters), Olokunsu, Avlekete (wives), Benhanzin (son), Oya, Oshun, Ochumare (daughters), Shango (son-in-law), Ananse, Osebo, Onini, Mmboro (nephews), Mmoatia (niece), 
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Africa
Base of Operations: Okun
First Appearance: Olokun has yet to appear in Marvel or DC Comics.
History: Olokun is a member of a race of extra-dimensional beings known as the Orishas who were worshipped as gods by the tribes of Africa and by modern practitioners of the religion of Voodoo which is based on the ancient rites of the African people. Not much is known about Olokun. He is the son of the sky-god, Obatala, and Odudua, the earth-goddess. He was married to a number of river-goddesses and presided in the ocean in a realm known as Okun. He had a strong affinity with Shango, the storm-god. He had several daughters who he gave as wives to Shango. Sailors prayed to Olokun for safe passages at sea.

Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 485 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Strength Level: Olokun possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) 70 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Olokun possesses the conventional powers of the African gods including superhuman strength, stamina, endurance, resistance to harm, a long lifespan and the ability to tap into mystical energies enabling him to control and manipulate water, possibly on a level close to Poseidon of the Olympian gods. 


Real Name: Orisanlo (His Yoruba name, Orishako is his Dahoman name)
Occupation: God of the harvest, patron god of farmers
Legal Status: Citizen of Afe
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Orishako except as a mythological deity.
Other Aliases: Orish-oka/Orish-oko/Orisha-oko (name variants), Oriskala (Ashanti name), Ryangombe (Baziba name), Dan Petro (Voodoo name)
Place of Birth: Oyo, Yoruba Territory (modern Nigeria)
Marital Status: possibly Married
Known Relatives: Obatala (father), Odudua (mother), Nyambe, Lusa, Olokun (brothers), Asase Ya, Mawu (sisters), wife (name unrevealed), Ti-Juan Petro (son), Ananse, Osebo, Onini, Mmboro (nephews), Mmoatia (niece), Buluku (grandfather), Gaea (grandmother, alias Nana),
Group Affiliation: The Gods of Africa
Base of Operations: Afe
First Appearance: Orishako has yet to appear in Marvel or DC Comics.
History: Aglaea is a member of a race of extra-dimensional beings known as the Orishas who were worshipped as gods by the tribes of Africa and by modern practitioners of the religion of Voodoo which is based on the ancient rites of the African people. According to myth, the Orishas were descendants of Buluku, the great sky-father of the African gods. When Buluku departed Earth after years of worship, he appeared before the Orishas as Olodumare (the Yoruba sky-father), and imparted fragments of his power within them to endow them each with each separate powers. Orishako became god of the harvest and kept a farm on Earth where he cultivated food for mortals until even he chose to depart Earth. He also became father of T-Juan Petro, the Voodoo god of snakes and fertility. 

Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 470 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Strength Level: Orishako possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) 35 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Orishako possesses the conventional powers of the African gods including superhuman strength, stamina, endurance, resistance to harm, longevity and the ability to tap into mystical energies in order to affect and control the prosperity of plants, such as corn and wheat. 

Last updated: 05/25/14

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