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My stories, My Mind!!

This page is full of stories, poems, songs, and pics. All of them i write and for the pics i find them until i can get mine uploaded. Enjoy them.

What I Think Off!!

This world is small and all that is in it. We are nothing but specks on the surface of this planet, nothing but puppets to the course of fate. Destiny has been deturmend. We will all be born into a world of war and we will all die in that world. That is fate, that is destiny. People say you can never evade fate never run from your destiny, and they were right. Fate will run its course guiding destiny along with it. Some try to escape it by going to another world in thier mind. Some even write stories of knight, princesses and dragon, and of a life they wish they had. But They know its only a temporary escape so they slowly slip into depression were they are traped till one hopeful day they are released.

About Me.

  • Love anime
  • Wirter
  • draws alot of anime and eyes
  • LOves cats and even talks to them (HAHA)
  • loves Dragons and anything mythical

My favorite sits.