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My ESP: A fun short story series

Aaron's Fun Short Story Series

Next Episode Release Date: TBA


Contact me about changes you think could make this website look better.

October 2006

Episode 11 is AVAILABLE. Also check out the new navigation bar.

August 2006

Added Episode 10.

Added Episode 8 and Episode 9.

July 2006

Added Episode 7 and I changed the format of the website.

June 2006

Added Episodes 5 and 6.

May 2006

In May I changed the colours of the site, I rewrote Episodes 1 and 2 and added Episodes 3 and 4.

Join My ESP Yahoo Group to get updates on when the next episode is released!

I am currently designing a slightly different layout for this site. If you wish to see how it looks click here. Some of the other pages are online, but I apologise that not all of the pages are online yet. If you have any suggestions, or if one of the pages don't work as you think it should, then please contact me.

Hello and welcome to my fun short story series. If this is your first time here, I hope you enjoy my stories. It all begins here. Also, if you are interested in any of my other writing (I have written poetry) feel free to have a look at Writing.Com, see About Me for more information. You may find more authors' work there you like too.

EPISODE 11 is finally online. See below for a short preview.

I have also changed the Navigation bar at the top of the pages. Please let me know if it does not work properly.

There has been a modification to Episode 8 on 7th August. If you read Episode 8 before then, please reread the episode or see what changes were made here.

Also check out the Into the Story section where you will find out information about bits of the story. There are reminders of what the characters look like and what is known about magical objects. You can also find out about Locky's enemies.

A short snippet from Episode 11.

Locky's room was pitch black except for the red flashes of Xelenor's demonic body, which were now much longer than before. Xelenor seemed to be getting a grip on Locky, but he still hadn't taken full control. I felt new hope rise in me now that I knew that Locky was fighting right til the end.

"I have to help him. I have to put this to an end."

I walked over to the helpless body and the commanding spirit. I felt entranced by the rare beauty of the soft red flashes of Xelenor. I held out my hand to touch the red angel now hovering gracefully over Locky's peaceful body. I felt a cool calm power emanating from this beautiful creature.

I then suddenly realised that the air seemed to have disappeared. I gasped as I stumbled to Locky's desk to support myself. What am I doing?

I hope you enjoy my fun short story series. Don't forget to tell me what you think.