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Mu Kappa

About Mu Kappa

Spring 2006 Photos



Welcome, Fellow Missionary Kids!

YAY! More cool MKs at Southeastern University!

We would like to extend an enormous, exuberant, ecstatic welcome to our new Mu Kappa members: Sara Melo, Sarah Randall, Timothy Poole, and Lana Escoe.

Also, we would like to welcome back all you returning students. *loud cheering* We are so excited to see what God is going to do during this next academic year. Mu Kappa has a fun-filled calendar of events planned for this semester.

Coming up:
This Friday, September 1st, we are having our first meeting where we will be discussing some important issues. I hope you will all make it a priority to be there. Can’t wait to see you all!!!

ALSO, you really don’t want to miss the annual MK conference in Orlando that is coming up on September 17. Mark your calendars because this only happens once a year and believe me, you’ll get a knock-your-socks-off blessing.

Well, if I could speak for myself a minute, I really missed Mu Kappa over the summer and I’m so glad to be back. All of you lovely MKs are awesome!

May God bless all of you in a special way this year.

secretary of Mu Kappa