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[ bloggin ]

[ Monday May 15th, 2006 2:29 am ]

[ mood: excited and in love ]

Okay, so I feel I've made some progress today, It's still not exactly where I want it to be, but the best things come to those who wait. I talked to brad alot today on the phone, since his knne surgery he has been alot different. He was scared to go in, but I knew he would be fine. He came out loopy as a fruit loop, but he remembered to tell me he loved me. Since then things has swung off and on from good to bad, my mood swings and him just being emotional due to the medication. It's trying but worth it. We get to the cutesy type stuff and I remember why I try so hard for us to work, and why he tries. Cuz we fit. Two overly shallow and superficial assholish people, completely in love. Isn't life grand. I was going through my list of friends today on myspace and then I noticed some people from back in my home town. The "preppies" it's kinda funny seeing them now, I don't have anything to really say about them. I'm just so glad my life changed from kansas. It seems the only thing they have to do back home is party. I guess its just me, but I'm so content in having my life perfect right now. Partying doesn't seem like anything I want to do. I laugh at myself now, Tiffani hope, you've grown up. You have a family, you're getting married, You're moving your life. I have the most perfect person in my life, and I thank god every day for him, I guess the only thing I have to say is.... Goodnight =]

[ Sunday May 14th, 2006 1:38 am ]

[ mood: tired, grouchy, but yet blank ]

So, I finally found the right picture to put up here. I actually have a general idea of what I am going to do too. Sometimes it takes a lot of planning or just a lot rest and procastination. *haha* So, I have no real idea what to talk about right now. Its early in the morning, and I'm bored outta my mind, Myspace isn't drawing me to it very much lately, and the fact of drunk assholes on yahoo, or msn has kept me away from there. I'm sorry but I just dont wanna hear about their dick sizes, or how hot I am. I only wanna hear it from one person and he's sleeping right now. *pout* Sleep...What a concept?! *haha* A concept I haven't had lately. It's been to hot to sleep, and to lonely to dream. *le sigh* Anyway, Onwards to make the rest of the pages.