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Jennifer Marie Orthon

Jennie was born right here in good ol' Necropolis, NY, and hasn't moved since. Raised in an appartment on 117th Street by two devout vegetarian, PETA, wiccan parents. Though they'd never forced their beliefs or habits on to her, the fact that there was never meat in the house, nor a fur coat or article of leather to speak of meant that Jennie, by proxie, was a vegetarian who never wore a scrap of animal, though she never fell into the belief structure of her parents.

Jennie's parents were caring, loving, and quite kind. Growing up, her friends always liked her parents best, and she was always happy to be living with 'em. Though she wasn't exactly spoiled rotten, Jennie was an only child for most of her life. She usually had what she wanted, be it the best new skirt or the coolest new gaming system.

When Jennie was in the 10th grade, her baby brother was born. Micheal James Orthon, a healthy 7 pounds and some-odd inches long. All of a sudden, there wasn't money to buy Jennie the newest Nintendo system, or the best skirt. And, in true teenage fashion, this upset her. She rebelled against her parents, and unfortunately, ran into a rather nasty croud at school at the same time. She got into drugs.

Nothing major at first; a cigarette behind the woodshop, a joint here and there. Then, as Micheal got older and Jennie felt more and more forgotten, she began shooting heroin, smoking crack, doing ecstacy. Whatever the 'cool kids' were doing.

When she turned 18, she immediately moved out with her 'boyfriend'/drug dealer to a seedy little duplex in a shitty part of the city. Without the cushiony allowance of her parents, she had to earn money for her drug habbits; that's when Jennie turned to dealing. And that's what she did until she was 22, when she found a great new avenue for making money, while finding new clients for drug sales; stripping.

And for one year, she stripped, sold drugs, did drugs, and lived the kind of life that almost got her killed. Finally, on her 23rd birthday, her parents staged an intervention. She went to rehab for a short time, cleaned up, and left her old 'friends' behind. Now, she's in college, undecided and studying the basics. A turned-around life for Jennie Orthon.