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Virtual Hogwarts > The Great Hall > Patrolling...

Posted by: Rafael Rinvaleré Jul 6 2004, 07:57 AM
Ugh. Who was that blasted idiot who talked me into doing this? *Rafael Rinvaleré thought darkly as he pushed the doors leading towards the Great Hall, his face expressionless. During his education at Hogwarts, the dark-haired man had learnt that students tended to lurk in the Great Hall at odd hours... only when they were being told by the professors to get back to their dormitories when curfew approached would they actually leave. To many, the Great Hall was a place to linger and chat, and for the more studious ones, a place to finish off their homework when the library proved to be stifling or when their common rooms were too noisy for them to actually concentrate.

Despite the fact that it was nearly ten, the candles - though lesser than usual - were still lit above him, and Rafael frowned slightly at the sight of a few students still crouched over the House tables whilst quills scribbled frantically on parchments of what looked like holiday homework that had to be handed up come their first lesson. Students never learn, do they?

Shaking his head, Rafael quietly slipped into the shadows and observed. There were still a few minutes before curfew officially started. For now, he could just wait and see if another professor will come by. If memory served him right, a particularly strict professor - either Snape or McGonagall - would be up and scolding the children for not heading over to their common room. Heck, he had been at the end of their reprimands for more times than he cared to remember, though it had most definitely not been because of finishing up his homework.

Admidst his musings, *Rafael Rinvaleré glanced up at the ceiling, his expression softening as he watched the multitude of stars that the enchanted ceiling showed. Yes. It was a beautiful sight - if anything, it calmed the man more than he suspected... His emotions were strung uptight ever since the Aurors were called over. He never liked entering into outright war, yet with his line of work, whenever did he get a choice?

I need a long break after this...

Posted by: Alexandria Crowley Jul 6 2004, 09:23 AM
Lexi popped into the Great Hall for a quick snack. I mean, curfew wasn't for another few minutes.. at least she thought it was. Who was around anyway? And there was no need in bothering the house elves when there might be perfectly good left overs sitting on the tables.

Clutching her stomach as it gurgled, she glared downward and made a beeline toward the Hufflepuff table. Somehow she didn't noticing the very unfamiliar man walking the Hall, her mind being too occupied on her stomach.... and that pretty necklace she bought in Hogsmeade. Who needs curfew when you have a special necklace for protection anyway?

Posted by: Destiny Shadows Jul 6 2004, 09:35 AM
Destiny had finally found refuge under the Hufflepuff table. The common room was simply too loud for her to concentrate on reading the assigned homework for DADA. And she wanted to earn Hufflepuff more points this year.

She was about to turn the page when a foot connected with her side. Destiny's scream resounded throughout the relatively calm Great Hall. "Hey you doofer, watch where you aim that thing!"

Destiny angrily snapped her book shut and peeked over the table to see who kicked her. It was...."Alex. Hey. Sorry about that, I didn't know who you were." She wiggled all the way out from under the table and sat across from Alexandria.

"That man has been here since I came in. What do you think he's doing? Think he's one of those Aurors that've been sneaking around the school, do you?" She turned around and looked at the man curiously.

Posted by: Alexandria Crowley Jul 6 2004, 10:26 AM
There was a sudden yelp and Lexi's heart nearly jumped into her throat. Blinking a few times, she quickly shoved her necklace underneath her robes. 'Mine,' her mind claimed.

"Oh, Desty!" Alexandria gasped, when she realized that it was Destiny underneath the table. "What are you doing?.. and what man.. oh!" She looked over at the figure walking around. Grabbing a stale bun from the table, she picked at it and glanced at him from the corner of her eye. Maybe she shouldn't have left the dorms after all. "Auror?" she asked. Those were those police-type guys she's been hearing about alot lately. "Why are they here? Is it because of those letters? And.. the.... erm.. attacks.. those were last year...." For some reason she just couldn't quite grasp the seriousness of the situation.

Lexi took a bite of the stale bun and wrinkled up her nose. Yep, she should have stayed in her dorm.. and perhaps settled for some Everyflavour beans, or even those blasted Hippie Gummy Bears she'd gotten so addicted to.

Posted by: Jinx Jul 6 2004, 01:01 PM
Jinx came quietly into the great hall. The nights of patroling were taking there toll on her. She was more interested in checking to see if any Gryffindors were still in the great hall then having a snack.

Seems like since the start of the patroling she had become quieter. Walking soundlessly as was the tradition of her people. Trying to blend in better.
She immediately noticed the strange man. Her mouth dropped down and all she could think of was they were told to patrol the school but not what to do if they found somebody or something. He definitely looked dangerous. Slipping her hand to her wand didn't make her feel any better. Twice the death eaters had gotten her. Once from behind, which made her wonder what kind of indian was she when someone could sneak up on her like that.

Not knowing what to do, she hesitated. Then remembering the owl she got from her Grandmother, she relaxed. Morning Dove's message was cryptic as usual. Something about a shadow man, and shadows sometimes hide the good.

Quietly she told the students that it was time to return to their common room. At first she didn't realize that there were a couple under the tables.

Then with her hand still on her wand she walks to the "Shadow Man" (the name she gave the man) and inquired if she could be of assistance to him. Quaking in her boots as she did so.

Posted by: McGonagall Jul 6 2004, 07:09 PM
Minerva raised an eyebrow as she sauntered through the darkness of the corridors leading to the Great Hall. She stepped lightly down the marvelous stone stairs, quite aware of her surroundings. Any sort of noise would catch her attention. Patrols… what dark times they were experiencing once again. Hopefully the little students returned to their Common Room. True, it wasn’t curfew yet, but by the time they reached their common rooms, it would be past curfew. A firm expression was pasted on her face as her beady eyes took in every aspect of the area.

Her strides brought her to the large doors of the Great Hall. The woman walked inside primly, glancing around. Students! Few candles graced the air, illuminating light but they were still face down to parchments or chattering of trivial things. Risking their lives for small things. Her lips thinned as she glared at them darkly. They should be reporting to their common rooms now! It was a bare few minutes before curfew.

The figure of a tall man was in view, and she recognized it to be another Auror. One that she had the pleasure of teaching when he was in school. Briefly, she thought about her contemplations as a Hogwarts graduate of her future career. Her interest was in Transfiguration all throughout her years, and at first, she considered in taking the profession of an Auror. Yet she did not when Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry needed one to fill the position of the Transfiguration professor. After all, the school needed talented professors as well as those loyal for it is the mainstream of the future generations.

Minerva walked by the dark man’s side and nodded, “Rinvaleré, nice to see you back despite current…situations.” He stood taller than her, unlike his early schooling years. Seeing a Gryffindor she recognized, her frown deepened. “Jinx, I think it would be best if you gather up the students present in a few minutes time and return them to their common room area."

She withdrew her wand, releasing a few bright sparks sure to capture the attention of others. “There is only a bare few minutes before curfew, and I believe it is time for all of you to return back to your Common Room so all of you should begin packing your belongings.” Her voice was sharp, as if daring them to talk back. This was for their own good. Students should not be wandering at night, regardless of whatever time is left until their curfew. There would be patrols around the castle no doubt, and these students should not be up late enough to witness any of it.


This thread is semi-closed. PM before posting.

Posted by: Jinx Jul 6 2004, 09:51 PM
Jinx was never so glad to see anybody in her life. She could start to breath again. He hand seemed glued to her wand and she gradually losened her grip on her wand. Professor McGonagall knew the man so it was all right.

"Good Evening, Professor McGonagall." Jinx croaked out. Her mouth was so dry that she couldn't spit if she wanted to. Looking at "Shadow Man" Jinx, nodded and backed a way a bit.

Then she turned to check on students and encouraged them to gather their possessions and she would take them back to their common rooms. She would take one group at a time and have the other ones wait. Unless, she was lucky an another prefect or two stopped to check for students.

Posted by: Rafael Rinvaleré Jul 7 2004, 12:34 PM
Amused by the fact that a child would prefer coming over to the Great Hall to get some snacks than going over to the kitchen - where the elves loved nothing more than to get as much food as a student wanted, *Rafael Rinvaleré was about to get the young child to head back for her common room and a shout echoed throughout the Great Hall, startling virtually everyone around. Resisting the urge to sigh, the dark-haired man wondered what the hell was going on, but gauging from the soft whispers from both girls who were currently hiding underneath the table, it was apparent that they knew each other.

Good. Perhaps they'll have enough common sense to leave soon. Rafael thought absently as a Gryffindor prefect headed his way, shortly followed by a familiar figure. McGonagall. Allowing himself a rare smile, Rafael nodded towards the elder witch, "Professor McGonagall. A pleasure to see you again." Beneath the dim lighting, the man could still see that age settled well with his former Transfiguration mistress... Despite it being years since he'd last met Minerva McGonagall, she still looked the same; strict and kind, and the laugh lines by her mouth only further support the fact that she still possessed her the sarcastic humor similar to that of his ex-head of House, though hers was to a lesser degree.

The deputy Headmistress then sent sparks up towards the ceiling, in turn gaining the attention of the students, all of whom were warned of the pending curfew. Those words, reminiscent to those spoken years ago, had another ghost of a smile hovering on Rafael's face. Sometimes, it felt good to be back at Hogwarts... though the situation they were in could have been better...

Watching as the prefect - Jinx was the name McGonagall had called her - started walking around the tables to gather the students and sending them back to their common rooms, *Rafael Rinvaleré remembered the two students that were still under the table and strode over quietly. Once the end of the Hufflepuff table, the whisperings were much louder than it was at where he previously stood, and, clearing the throat, the Auror rapped the table sharply, "Ladies? You've heard what Professor McGonagall said. Get back to your rooms now... It's curfew already."

Posted by: Jinx Jul 7 2004, 01:04 PM
Jinx had finished gathering up the students when she remembered the two students under the table. Turning to get them, she noticed "Shadow Man" was already at the table.

Smiling to herself, she figured the girls would be a little surprised and move a little faster for "Shadow Man" then they would for her.

With a wave to Professor McGonagall, Jinx urshered the students out of the Great Hall and toward their common rooms. Hoping that she could get a couple hours of sleep before having to patrol again.

Posted by: Desdemona Lacroix Jul 7 2004, 11:01 PM
*Desdemona Lacroix made her way through the castle corridors, ducking into an alcove here, hiding behind a statue there so as to avoid any patrolling menaces -- though it wasn't like any spells would penetrate her special robe that the master had so generously given to her.

"Exigoigere." *Desdemona Lacroix inhaled deeply as the sensation that only this brilliant accuracy spell could produce washed over her. It made her feel even more powerful than she was. She may not look like it, but she was indeed a threat. As of yet, this castle had not seen very much of her. This time it would remember her. Yes, the very walls of it would remember her.

Wand brandished, she proceeded straight into the as good as empty great hall of the castle. It was past curfew. All the little maggots would be curled up in their warm and comfortable beds, peacefully asleep. The more intelligent of the maggots would be. Some nasty mudblood Gryffindors would always be out after curfew. Hogwarts was not that different from Beauxbatons in this respect. Children were children, no matter which language they spoke, no matter in which country they cast their feeble spells.

As expected, the vast room was almost empty. Except for an old woman and a -- *Desdemona Lacroix perked up -- dashing young gentleman who would have looked even more handsome if his extremely well-fitting robes were not disgraced by the insignia of the ministry of magic. *Desdemona Lacroix would have difficulties to decide if she should curse him now or much later. Maybe she could pull some strings in order to abduct this gorgeous male. A girl like she, in her very early twenties, needed a lot of attention after all.

But first things first. She'd be able to take out the old woman with a single spell probably what with the accuracy charm on herself shouldn't be too hard to accomplish.

Mere seconds after she strode into the hall, she aimed her wand carefully -- bless the accuracy charm -- and screeched "Abscondo acies!"

As soon as the old woman would be out of the way, *Desdemona Lacroix'd have some fun with the handsome Auror.

Blinding Curse (Abscondo Acies)
: This curse will obscure your victim’s vision until another removes it.
- You have to direct it at the bifocal point of where both eyes meet.

Posted by: McGonagall Jul 8 2004, 12:17 AM
Minerva nodded to Jinx, who immediately set out to bring the children back to their common rooms. Hopefully there will be no trouble along the corridors. When she turned back to Rafael, he had already strolled by two little girls who have situated themselves under the Hufflepuff Table. Do these kids attempt to make the duties of their elders much more difficult? She scowled rather visibly as she walked the length of the Great Hall, briefly looking under the house tables for more students while Rinvaleré was off elsewhere in his responsibility.

It was her only hope to keep Hogwarts strong for all of the Magical Community’s sake. The future remains in these education institutes with Hogwarts as one of the most notorious, so if Hogwarts fall, the others are doomed as well. She doesn’t want to see the day when the world would be consumed in darkness and evil. They have been threatened so many times before, but it was due to luck they made it through.. But now, a new force threatened the lives of the young and old.

Minerva gripped the wand in her hand, furious that people with no conscience do exist. If they did have a conscience, perhaps they would see the evil in their actions. Her steps ceased at the middle of the Great Hall, yet she heard another pair of light steps from behind coming from the entrance. These steps were not heavy enough to be Rafael’s. In a mere second, a screech of a curse she knew too advanced for a student rung out, leaving the echoes to bounce against the walls.

Instinctively, Minerva turned around and yelled, “Tegere!” Thank Merlin for the Take Cover Charm. The Blinding Hex was deflected, lucky enough. Her dark eyes narrowed behind her rectangular glasses as the woman held her wand tightly at her side. Why does this scene repeat itself generation after generation? A thin figure, seemingly female, was clad in dark robes and a mask... The trademark attire of a Deatheater. She dared not look behind, or else she would be attacked. Her only hopes were that Rafael would safely escort the girls and warn others. Dumbledore must know for the population of the school to be salvaged from this deadly invasion. For now, she must busy the one before her.

“How dare you!” shouted Minerva, thoroughly enraged as the nostrils of her sharp nose flared. “Leave Hogwarts and these children alone! You have no warrant to be on these grounds, nor are your ways of entrance and intentions welcomed.”

They were only waiting for the right moment; the moment they each desperately needed to live. Without much hesitiation, Minerva waved her wand with another yell, “Petrificus Totalus!” She would never sink into the darker spells, and she did not wish to harm the figure before her though he/she longed to defeat her. If the Full Body Bind is successful, she could take a leave and tend to the other dangers of the castle.


Reminder: This thread is semi-closed, do not post until you have gained permission. Please PM.

Posted by: Desdemona Lacroix Jul 8 2004, 12:36 AM
*Desdemona Lacroix could have blocked this spell all too easily. Honestly, what did they think? Only because she was a delicate little thing, educated at Beauxbatons that was famous for anything except for its duelling education -- even though it was probably the best on the continent -- did not mean that she was slow and an easy target.

*Desdemona Lacroix could have dodged the spell with the agility of a cat if she had wanted to. Yet, she figured that it would leave a more lasting impression if she demonstrated that those spells could not harm her. Of course the purplish-grey robes that the master had given to his loyal minions had been tested against an onslaught of spells much more powerful than the one that the old woman had just cast.

Thus, *Desdemona Lacroix stood tall, taking the hit. The hex crackled as its energy was absorbed by the robe. Ah, the master was truly a genius. He was worthy of being her lord and master. He alone was worthy.

"You'll have to do better than that, old woman," *Desdemona Lacroix drawled as she advanced into the middle of the hall, pondering which spell would incapacitate this one of her victims the most, giving her ample time to play. But first, she'd entertain herself, using a quite entertaining spell that the master had taught his minions for this exact same purpose.

"Mentior Adverto Veritas!"

Paranoid Curse (Mentior Adverto Veritas - To falsely perceive truth)
: This hex will alter the thinking patterns of the victim temporarily into believing their allies are their enemies
- Characterised by glassy eyes, and irrational behaviour.
- Effects last until spell is countered.

Posted by: McGonagall Jul 8 2004, 01:16 AM
The unknown person was silent at first as the spell closed in. No movement. What was this person thinking? Being bound was not something one would willingly put themselves up to. Instead of dodging or blocking, the figure stood tall and proud against the threatening spell. It clashed into the body, but slowly, it died, not even moving the opponent a centimeter.

Her dark eyes widened, bewildered by such a sight... that robes, were they in some way enchanted or a special fabric? They are damned if the Dark Lord were equipped with such items! There will be no victory if their enemies could not be harmed. The formidable figure approached, stopping quite near her. The old woman’s lip thinned in dislike as the feminine voice emitted from the hood. The drawl sickened her.

Although Minerva realized that her hopes for the future were quite dim, she will not betray her beliefs. Never, her loyalty belonged to Dumbledore and those who fought for peace. In times like this, only those there for each other can change the path ahead. She hoped those who have always stayed at her side were safe. She could not afford to hear about more innocent lives lost in this war.

Before the old woman could utter a word, it was too late. A little beam of light struck her on the chest, not giving her pain... Confusion was what she felt. For a moment, her thoughts were hard to decipher. No, it was getting clear as the dazed expression on her face smoothed out to be a face of comfort. Minerva lifted her head so her chin would be a bit higher. She nodded curtly at the only ally present. The unknown woman before her was a friend.

Her dark eyes, now rather glossy, glinted darkly as she turned around, viewing the vast chamber. A man she knew to be Rafael..and the children. Clearly, it was a trap. The children were not children, and Rafael was out to harm them all. Minerva stepped forth, her lips allowing a growl to escape. No one will hurt her friends and family. Raising her wand before Rafael could run, the woman made her first attempt to slow him down. “Impedimenta!

Posted by: Desdemona Lacroix Jul 8 2004, 01:32 AM
*Desdemona Lacroix watched with unabashed glee as the harmless-looking curse struck the old woman. Foolishly assuming that something so small would not cause much damage, the old woman had not even attempted to avoid the hit. Looks could be so deceiving. But then again, it may be the slowing reflexes that women of that age were prone to.

Approaching the old woman, *Desdemona Lacroix smiled behind her mask. It was just perfect. She had just turned on her auror friend too; and what a good idea this spell was, slowing the victim down so *Desdemona Lacroix could have more fun more easily.

"Well done," *Desdemona Lacroix purred and patted her obedient subject almost affectionately. "I knew I could rely on you."

*Desdemona Lacroix crossed her fingers for the spell to hit, or she would have to add one of her own in order to teach the young handsome auror some manners. Her wand was trained on him for sure -- as were her eyes. Delicious really.

Posted by: Rafael Rinvaleré Jul 8 2004, 02:10 AM
"Great. The day just keeps getting better and better." *Rafael Rinvaleré muttered darkly as he rose up from the crouch he was in. The slight frame of the person showed that it was most probably a woman underneath those blasted Death Eater robes, though the colors were slightly off from the usual black that they wore. Whoever made such... odiously colored robes?

Apparently, said robes were worn for a reason - the woman stood her ground as McGonagall issued a full body bind, which was absorbed by the cloth whilst it sparkled intermittently with the power surge. Narrowing his eyes at the seemingly blatant parading of those special robes by the Death Eater, Rafael's hands itched to wring that pale neck of hers, but was quickly forced to fend for himself when an Impediment Jinx coursed its way towards him... Courtesy of McGonagall.

"Protego." The man muttered before turning over to see the glazed look on the Transfiguration mistress's eyes. Paranoia and confusion was clearly etched on her face, and quickly, *Rafael Rinvaleré continued, ""Finite Incantatem. Minerva, get a grip of yourself!" Not bothering to see if Minerva McGonagall had recovered from the previous attack, Rafael quickly issued a spell of his own, taking care not to hit the robes. If the robes truly absorbed magic like a sponge in water, then it made no sense to waste his energy hexing her robe-clad form - she only seemed vulnerable at her wrists and exposed neck.

Ugh... Must find a way to get the bloody robe off her...


Posted by: Desdemona Lacroix Jul 8 2004, 02:58 AM
He was not only handsome; he also had a voice that was to die for. He just had one major flaw: he fought for the wrong side, the wrong purpose -- and he had ruined her fun. *Desdemona Lacroix pouted behind her mask. It was the pout that could make her husband buy her anything, forgive her anything, do anything that she wanted him to do. Men were so easy to manipulate; and some of them were definitely worth being manipulated. Like this handsome male with the single flaw. *Desdemona Lacroix would love to teach him her ways, her views, her virtues and vices and make them his.

But she was jumping ahead. There was much to be done until she could make such plans. Maybe the master would let her -- No. She would think about this later. For now, she had to spells to deal with. First, the one that was heading for her toy, then the one that was heading for herself.

"Protego!" At the same time that "Minerva" was hit by the countercurse *Desdemona Lacroix jumped back in order to avoid being hit by either spell nor the old woman's fist or heel. Who could tell. Minerva, the goddess of wisdom. The old woman might not bear this name for nothing.

"You think I'm easy prey? Percutio! Think again. Percutio!"

Old Minerva was close enough to not require much aiming. Her feeble reflexes might not save her this time, *Desdemona Lacroix hoped. As for the auror. He was obviously trained to keep a level head in situations such as this. He'd be the real challenge.

Striking Charm (Percutio)
: This charm exerts an unseen physical force towards the victim, striking them in steed of a fist.

Posted by: McGonagall Jul 8 2004, 07:55 AM
Minerva felt the other trusted individual pat her back, and she felt slightly relieved that someone was thereto assit her against these sinful enemies. Yes, the spell was heading straight for Rafael. But he was too lucky, more lucky than she wished, for he successfully deflected the Impediment Jinx. A brief moment of eye contact, and Minerva felt herself grow more paranoid. She was nearly rocking on her heels... Bloody hell.

The man muttered a quick ‘Finite Incantatem’ which left the aged woman quite at a lost. Another transition took place as her paranoia lessened and turned to the woman who now stepped back. Confused thoughts rid itself and took a more reasonable system of thought, that one of Minerva McGonagall’s. By the time she had returned to her previous, stable state, another damned spell in the form of a fist had graced her upper back, causing the woman to be forced ahead a few steps.

Minerva hastily turned, anger causing her hand to shake. Taking backward steps, she stopped a bit farther from the figure... What if this woman she was one of her former students? One of her colleagues..friends..acquaintances. Here the three were, tensed and ready to hex each other out of Scotland. Minerva’s face was contorted with resentment and fury. It was quite a talent how she could make herself seem taller than usual when she was in such a dangerous mood.

What a fool she must have appeared to be! Attacking her true allies... It was a wonder how the Dark Lord could gain so many subjects, who after claim to have been under the effects of a dark spell. Minerva only tasted a weak form of a spell that controls and manipulates the mind, yet she felt in a way she was incapable of properly defending these children. Her pride was somewhat damaged, but being the reasonable woman she was, she would get over it.

Minerva glowered at the figure and swiftly trudged to the other side where Rafael was while shouting a sharp, “Stupefy!” It was aimed into the hood, hopefully where that uncovered, pale neck was. It was their only hope of overcoming her when that dark cloak gave them no chance of hurting her. Once near Rafael, her eyes darkened at the sight of her Stunning Charm traveling towards the unknown woman. Perhaps another would catch her off guard. This time which was a mere second after the first stun sent, Minerva aimed at the figure’s slightly exposed wrist. “Stupefy!

Posted by: Rafael Rinvaleré Jul 8 2004, 01:11 PM
The song-like muttering of the Death Eater had *Rafael Rinvaleré raising an eyebrow. Him? Think that she's easy prey? It took the man much self-control to prevent himself from laughing outright - Rafael was never one to underestimate anyone, especially not his opponents who just happened to be Death Eaters. Not surprising, the training he’d endured throughout the years taught him that arrogance and over-confidence in one’s abilities make people fall faster than Avada Kedavra… and that was just saying it lightly. Furthermore, women are never to be underestimated, nor looked down upon. Heck, if anything, the female species ought to be approached with more care… You never know what they’ll do to you next.

As the Chinese saying goes - only women and scums are difficult to live with.

“I know better than to think of you as easy prey – “ A sidelong glance at the mask she wore had *Rafael Rinvaleré smirking slightly, “ – Besides, women are dangerous creatures. Especially so when they turn dark.” Quickly side-stepping the line of attack which the woman had issued, Rafael fleetingly wondered if he had actually avoided the spell – it was invisible to the naked eye – only to feel a force the size of a small fist hit his right forearm. The impact it made was strong, but Rafael’s expression never changed. He’d learnt better than to show his opponent weakness.

Minerva had finally gotten out of the paranoid curse, in turn casting another stunning spell of her own. Being at such close grounds, the spell would hopefully hit the Death Eater, but the chance was still rather small. Once again, Rafael cursed the bloody cloak before mentally going through what he ought to do next. The Transfiguration mistress was too close to the woman for *Rafael Rinvaleré to try send a full body bind and risk having it hit Minerva McGonagall. Worse still, there’s always this chance that the ruddy robe will absorb the spell like it did the previous time round…

“Minerva duck! Deluvium!” The dark-haired man roared as a jet of water shot towards the Death Eater at amazing speed. He knew not if the robe absorbed elemental spells, but hopefully, the impact of the water should knock the wind out of her for scant seconds. Quickly inching over to the Death Eater, he waited to see if she’ll deflect the spell before deciding if an attempt to tackle her physically ought to be done.

Posted by: Desdemona Lacroix Jul 8 2004, 02:08 PM
If they thought they would catch a Death Eater off guard they had apparently paid too much attention to the trashy story that was Harry Potter's biography. Rather pathetic writing really, it made the Death Eaters look unorganised and easy to defeat. They were neither.

Two spells were heading for *Desdemona Lacroix
now. She had merely registered the first one, the stunning spell that Minerva had cast. That one, *Desdemona Lacroix dodged rather easily, but the second one, the water elemental, hit her with brutal force, drenched her precious robe and left her toppling over one of the house tables.

"Hufflepuff. How fitting," *Desdemona Lacroix groaned as she fought against the slippery floor in order to get up. Not even halfway standing yet, another curse was on her lips. Barely above a whisper came the incantation for a spell that might finally incapacitate the old woman enough for *Desdemona Lacroix to have fun with Handsome.

"Incarcerous!" she hissed, angry, pride severely damaged by the absence of grace and elegance not to mention reflexes that had been causes and consequences of a moment's inattentiveness. *Desdemona Lacroix would not make the same mistake again.

Rope Summoning Charm (Incarcerous)
: Ropes shoot out of your wand and wrap around the person/object.

Posted by: Rafael Rinvaleré Jul 8 2004, 06:04 PM
Watching in grim satisfaction as the Deluge charm actually hit the Death Eater, Rafael briefly felt a twinge of guilt at having brought the woman into a sprawling state over the Hufflepuff table but the thought was quick to dissipate. Sometimes, it still surprised him that he still possessed a conscience – he’d have thought that his first killing would’ve hardened his heart, especially when the victim had been his own father…

*Rafael Rinvaleré muttered inaudibly, effectively clearing the messy puddle of water on the floor whilst he scowled darkly at the woman, whose mouth never seemed to lack strings of curses. Right now, the rope summoning charm was heading towards Minerva, and, leaving the Transfiguration mistress to fend for herself – he knew that she was more than capable of that – Rafael quickly made his way towards the Death Eater, tackling her quickly before she could react.

It was a rash action, but given how spells don’t work as effectively as they usually do with that blasted robe in place, Rafael had no choice but to. Steeling himself for whatever the witch might lash unto him, *Rafael Rinvaleré quickly attempted holding the Death Eater’s wand wrist tightly, his cold voice cutting through the tense hall like a knife.

“Now tell me, what should I do to you next?”

Posted by: McGonagall Jul 8 2004, 07:35 PM
Minerva was rather uncomfortable as she ducked the Deluge Charm sent by Rafael. The Death Eater had successfully dodged the Stun once more. She must have been young to be so agile.. However the water did not make the woman stop her curses. Minerva, being deeply distracted since she was still low from ducking, rose from her spot. Her eyes widened once more, and she attempted to utter a spell, which escaped her mouth as, “Mpftrmph!

Thick robes bound her frail body, causing her to be hurled to the ground violently. The old woman was motionless. One might have thought that she was dead, but no, her bones ached after quite a few hits. Minerva was knocked out for a few moments. Blinking, she stared up to the candles which lit the Great Hall only lightly. Her glasses had slipped a bit down, leaving only halfway perfect vision. She growled angrily when she realized that her wand laid a few inches away.

For the first time in practically ages, Minerva muttered foul words, “Oh bloody hell.” her eyes averted just in time to see Rafael rid the floor of the water, then tackle the woman. Perhaps he is having a little too much fun.. Her fingers stretched and attempted to snatch up her wand. The ropes tightened, leaving her at a lack of necessary air.

Posted by: Desdemona Lacroix Jul 8 2004, 07:46 PM
*Desdemona Lacroix rejoiced inwardly at the sight that she beheld. The old woman had become a nicely wrapped up package of old bones and cheap emerald green robes. Unfortunately, rejoicing was not granted to *Desdemona Lacroix for very long a time, since Handsome, in a manner that made her wonder if he had been a Gryffindor, basically assaulted her, taking hold of her wrist so as to not allow her to cast any more of her pretty spells. How impolite of him to dare try and restrain a lady like that.

If only he could see the dangerously lewd smile he had drawn on *Desdemona Lacroix's face with his words. His grasp on her wrist was tight. If she struggled, it would be only tighter. Better let her wandhand go a little bit limp and wait for the right moment. *Desdemona Lacroix's other hand in turn grasped his wrist with a strength that one would not have anticipated her delicate frame to possess. Getting hexed by an auror was not on her agenda that day.

"There's a lot that you could do to me, and I to you," *Desdemona Lacroix thought but out loud she whispered something that would likely unsettle a man who seemed so gentlemanly and untouched by darkness. She had seen him wince slightly after she had taken this involuntary journey over the badgers' table. Not ruthless, that one. "Do you have another wand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

Now if only Handsome would be distracted enough for her to begin turning her wrist very slowly. *Desdemona Lacroix tightened her grasp on his wand wrist and dug her fingernails into the soft skin so as to make him focus his attention on the pain and loosen the grasp on her other wrist.

Posted by: McGonagall Jul 8 2004, 08:34 PM
Inhaling as much oxygen as possible to keep her alive, Minerva attempted to relax her nerves .It was clear what she must do to escape the ropes so cleverly wrapped around her. It prevented her from moving, but it cannot prevent her from changing. Her only chance was if she was calm enough to handle the change and successfully make it through. Years of training have taught her how to achieve the best results without any complications which were still possible after the initial accomplishment.

The female was still held tightly at the wrists by Rafael- a relief-but she heard low whispers... She hoped that whatever charms the female actually have doesn’t work on the young man. He should have been trained against this kind of pressure, yet he was still a man which was nearly an entire species themselves. Her lips did not part for a word since she had no desire to distract Rafael from the evil woman who was waiting for the right moment to attack. None of them were dim-witted.

Once again, Minerva felt herself deemed useless. Embarrassment and shame! Bound in ropes by a Death Eater; the mere thought of it sickened and angered her so much. Her nostrils flared while she wiggled in the thick robes. Her mind was clear enough. In a mere second, her hiss of contempt at the scene turned into a purr as a tabby cat crawled out of the bundle of ropes. The cat looked at the pair one last time before sprinting by the wand forgotten.

Minerva quickly returned to her human form and snatched it up, more determined to capture the damned Death Eater. Her steps were fast, tapping on the marble floor. She fixed her glasses as she neared on the pair of Death Eater and Auror. But suddenly a small figure crashed into the woman who immediately jumped back with her wand trained on whatever it was before she took in the yellow and black uniform.

Minerva thought that all of the students have exited the scene, yet obviously there were a few remaining. She weighed her thoughts and decided that the safety of the children were more important than a Death Eater who was at the bad end of an Auror. Taking the young girl by the shoulder and ushering her friend, Minerva said sternly as she tried to drag them. “You should have known better and left when I ordered! We must find Dumbledore... and warn those who do not know yet.” Her worries were surfacing. Hogwarts will not fall that night.

Posted by: Rafael Rinvaleré Jul 9 2004, 06:20 AM
A brief smile flickered on *Rafael Rinvaleré's face as a muffled phrase sounded from where Minerva was. For all the years that he’d known her, never once had he heard her utter any foul language. Perhaps it had been because he was a student then, still, it came as a complete surprise to hear ‘Oh bloody hell’ uttered from the strict Transfiguration mistress. Returning his focus back to the woman beneath, Rafael gripped her wrist tighter as she started struggling against his grip.

Don’t women ever listen? *Rafael Rinvaleré thought absently whilst the young woman’s murmured aloud, the double entendre of her words causing him to raise an eyebrow. Who knew that this Death Eater could still be in the mood for subtle flirting whilst captured, albeit temporarily?

“Most unfortunately, I do not find myself particularly happy to see the likes of your clique in this region of the highlands. If anything, it’d have been better if that Dark Lord of yours quit seeking trouble in a place where children reside.” The dark-haired man stared at the Death Eater, whose sparkling eyes were the only thing he could see from beneath that mask.

Backed by curiosity, Rafael’s right arm snaked itself up to the woman’s face and pulled away the soft mask, his left wand arm wincing slightly at the sharp fingernails digging into the skin at his wrist. Unconsciously, the grip loosened, yet *Rafael Rinvaleré did not notice it – his attention was solely on what actually lay behind that mask of hers.

What does she look like?

Posted by: Alexandria Crowley Jul 9 2004, 06:28 AM
It all seemed to happen so fast. One minute Alexandria Crowley was minding her own business, the next she was underneath the Hufflepuff table watching as a prefect ushered students out of the Great Hall for curfew. As the last student left, she felt that maybe she should have joined them. Too late now... if she was to be seen she would surely hear it from McGonagall. Lexi had never gotten detention before, and she wasn't about to get herself one now. She'd just have to boot it out of there with Desty as soon as the auror and professor were gone.

But... no one was leaving. Why? Continuing to lay low, a sudden erruption of excitement burst from the room and spells began to fly. It was then that Alexandria felt a huge rush of terror run through her body. She had to get out.

When a purplish-clad figure was slammed into their table, it was all Lexi could do to keep from screaming. Her heart was pounding heavily in her chest and her eyes were darting every which way. So much confusion. Certainly she was going to be found. No... she had to get out quick. It was an army... it had to be..... and they were going to find her.

Peering through the chairs, she saw now that one of the figures was bound on the floor and the other two were wrestling with each other. She turned her head back and caught sight of Destiny. Lexi's eyes widened..... spy! She tried to scream but all that came out was a shuddered gasping for breath.

That was it... unable to sit still any longer, Alexandria burst out from under the table and ran blindly toward the door. She felt herself run into something, a woman. "No!! Get away!" she shrieked and continued to dash toward safety. The small Hufflepuff grabbed for her wand and started to aimlessly cast the first spell that came to mind, "Flipendo! Flipendo!"

Posted by: Destiny Shadows Jul 9 2004, 08:10 AM
Desty held onto Lexi's hand tightly as they crouched under the table. This was all too much for the young Hufflepuff. Spells flying, people falling over the horrible. And she just had to stay and get caught in it.

Destiny was about to pull Alexandria closer to her when she suddenly ran out from under the table. Wthout thinking twice, she got out and ran after her friend. "Lexi, stop! AH!" Destiny jumped out of the way as a spell from Alex came hurtling at her.

She glanced at the stern-looking duel officiator nervously. "What is she DOING?" Destiny ducked down to avoid another spell. If it went on this way, she'd be hit for sure. She wasn't very agile.

Posted by: Desdemona Lacroix Jul 9 2004, 07:43 PM
*Desdemona Lacroix’s bluish-grey eyes sparkled in amusement as she heard the old woman curse. How entertaining. The old hag was furious that she was bound. There was nothing that tasted as sweet to *Desdemona Lacroix as seeing her enemies humiliated. It was almost better than seeing them dead.

What was also amusing was that Handsome raised an eyebrow at *Desdemona Lacroix’s words. She smirked, barely managing to keep herself from chuckling. If there was anything more exciting than flirting with a fellow death eater, it was flirting with a handsome young enemy. The danger added some spice to it all; and the thought that *Desdemona Lacroix might be able to turn him to the dark side one day was – although a mere imagination – extremely thrilling. Yes, *Desdemona Lacroix knew how to manipulate, how to get her way.

She cursed inwardly as she saw that the old woman had freed herself from the bonds, although *Desdemona Lacroix had not been able to make out how that had happened. This could mean a bit of trouble for her. Fortunately, Borgin’s bracelets had done their magic and caused a frightened little Hufflepuff – how fitting – to fling jinxes about all over the place.

*Desdemona Lacroix kept eye contact with Handsome, thinking “I know you want to” as he awkwardly reached for her face, her mask. She was only too willing to loosen her grip slightly. A favour, if you’d like to call it that, for his grasp on her wrist had also loosened when his hand closed on her mask and pulled. This was her chance. She smiled, almost feeling a twinge of regret as she tore herself loose from him, lashing out at his face, sharp fingernails painfully scratching over his skin.

“Abscondo acies,” she hissed as soon as she had managed to point her wand in the necessary direction. The accuracy spell would hopefully add the necessary precision that was lacking due to her being incapable of aiming properly under these circumstances. Of course he’d not stand still after this little assault of hers.

But everything went so smoothly that *Desdemona Lacroix had to believe that the goddess Fortuna was watching over her, granting her good luck. She could even take her leisure to walk up on him, press her wand into his back and lean close.

“I will see you again,” *Desdemona Lacroix purred into Handsome’s ear and pushed the blinded young man away so as to prevent him from trying to snatch her. The blinding effect of her spell would only be temporary; but having been hit with it would cause the auror enough distress to forget any details about her face, her bluish-grey sparkling eyes, high cheek-bones, luscious lips, framed by honey-blond hair – usually not an image that a man would forget. He might see her face in his dreams, perhaps experience a deja-vu if their paths ever crossed in Knockturn Alley, which was doubtful in itself. But since *Desdemona Lacroix was not the woman who would pass up on an opportunity to flirt, it was a scenario worth imagining.

*Desdemona Lacroix slid past the auror, taking several long strides towards the exit before she caught herself. Why cut the fun short in such a manner? Adjusting her mask, she turned around to point her wand at the figures of adults and children so as to present them with a “gift”.

“Crucio!” she yelled several times.

Blinding Curse (Abscondo Acies)
: This curse will obscure your victim’s vision until another removes it.
- You have to direct it at the bifocal point of where both eyes meet.

I’d like to thank Rafael for giving me his permission to “have my way” with him. Smirk.

Posted by: Desdemona Lacroix Jul 10 2004, 01:41 AM
QUOTE (McGonagall @ Jul 8 2004, 12:17 AM)
Reminder: This thread is semi-closed, do not post until you have gained permission. Please PM.

OOC: Just a reminder.

Posted by: McGonagall Jul 10 2004, 06:27 AM
Minerva was startled when the child pushed her away, dashing madly. It was as if she was frightened, but this child... this child she knew from dueling. Alexandria Crowley. The Hufflepuff should realize that they were allies and that the old graduated Gryffindor was there to protect her from harm and other evils.. Yet, Alexandria had a terrified expression against her. What was wrong? Perhaps overwhelming fear blurring judgement? Yes, that must be it.

“No, Crowley!” the woman yelled, furious and worried about the girl. She couldn’t go out into the castle without someone to protect her. The best they could do is go together... the only way with chances of survival. The Hufflepuff suddenly sent two Knockback Jinxes towards the pair of professor and friend. Minerva dodged, hearing Alexandria’s friend- Destiny was it -shout something that didn’t quite register to the woman who was devising plans to capture the girl. The castle was too dangerous.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw a struggle between Rafael and the unknown female. She broke loose, damn it. Minerva rushed towards the girls and roughly grabbed them at the collar, pulling them aside to a table. The Death Eater will obviously run for the doors. Something, just something must be there for her to salvage these children. They cannot experience the pains that Minerva McGonagall had. Scars that she swore she would protect these children from... yet the promise itself was a lie, for she cannot protect them forever.

As expected, the cloaked figure went past, not forgetting to leave gifts that they would never forget. The Cruciatus Curse. The promise was broken. The first curse hit Minerva who in a mere second fell to the ground, wand discarded. She writhed in pain which was felt intensely in every cell of her body. Pain that she couldn’t control. Yelps escaped her mouth at first, but she bit them back. That damned Death Eater will not make a fool of her. Minerva bit her bottom lip as her muscles tightened while she fought the urge to twitch more than she was.

The taste of blood graced her mouth when the pain ceased to exist. Her body was numb like the many times before but the thought of the girls awakened her. Minerva immediately sat up from the ground, snatched up her wand, and looked at the girl closest. She wore a blank expression. The woman took her by the shoulders and shook her slightly. One experience with the Cruciatus Curse cannot drive her insane, can it? “Crowley! Crowley!”

Posted by: Alexandria Crowley Jul 10 2004, 07:53 AM
Escape... it was so close she could almost taste it. Alexandria was just steps away from being free of the army of attackers, murderers. But no. It felt as though it happened in slow-motion. Her heart beating in her ears, her breath heavy yet unsatisfying to her lungs, she felt something grab her by the collar and pull her back.

"Nooo!! NOOO!" Lexi screeched, trying to wriggle free. "Let go! Let go of meeeee!" She kicked her legs and squirmed about as much as she could but to no avail, and found herself up against a table. This woman... she's trying to suffocate me! was what immediately came to Alexandria's mind. She made to let out another scream and attempted to swipe at whoever was attacking her, but the arm around her suddenly lifted. What was going on now?

It was then that there was a feeling that had never been experienced before in the short life that Alexandria had led so far. Excrutiating and unbearable pain. It felt almost as though her nerves were on fire. The young girl writhed around on the floor uncontrollably as the curse did it's work on her. Rather than a scream or a cry, a garbled choking noise rose from her throat and she felt the urge to throw up.

Perhaps it was minutes or only seconds later, she couldn't be sure, but the seering pain stopped though it's effects still lingered. She sat there staring blankly, twitching ever so slightly, when suddenly she felt arms around her shoulders. Blinking, Alexandria realized that someone was shaking her... touching her. No that hurts!

"Aaaaaargh.... nooooo!" She wasn't going to take it anymore. Trying to escape hadn't worked. Casting spells hadn't worked. Panicking, Alexandria clenched her teeth to fight back the aching all throughout her body. Eyes wide, she balled up her fists and was soon pummeling whoever was within reach, the one grabbing her shoulders being the closest.

Posted by: Destiny Shadows Jul 10 2004, 10:20 AM
(*has permission* I think...)

With shaky hands, Destiny got her wand out, thinking stupidly that she stood a chance againest the Death Eater. She was about to duck behind a table when she heard a word she'd been dreading: crucio.

"No!" Destiny watched as Alexandria and the dueling officiator fell to the ground, twitching. She heard a third 'crucio' yelled and took a deep breath. The spell seemed to make a swooshing sound as it hit Destiny.

She fell backwards, hitting her head on the edge of a table on her way down. Destiny tried not to scream as she saw her legs twitching through blurred eyes, but couldn't help letting a tortured scream out.

After the spells effect had subsided, Destiny quickly sat up, ignoring the way her body ached. She looked around for her wand that she'd dropped when she got hit, and snatch it quickly. "Alex." The dazed girl whispered. "Alexandria!"

Destiny looked to her right and saw McGonagall shaking her friend. She winced and stood up slowly. She tucked her wand back into her boot and rubbed at the bump that the table had made as she approached Alexandria and the older woman.

She jumped a little when Alexandria satrted wildly swining her tiny fists at McGongall." Al, stop!"

Posted by: Desdemona Lacroix Jul 10 2004, 10:19 PM
Well well well. So the unforgivable curses had found their targets. Chills of pleasure slithered down *Desdemona Lacroix's spine as she listened to the sweet music of screams that were tearing from her victims' throats. How she would love to stay here and torture them beyond what their feeble wits could bear. Unfortunately, concentrating their forces too much on only few targets would not bring the desired effects. Thus *Desdemona Lacroix, with much regret decided that she'd have to leave the great hall of Hogwarts in order to find some more victims. They would never forget their encounter with her. She'd ensure it.

For now. Better frighten them one more time. If they were silly enough to get hit, it would be their loss. But the incantation was too awe-inspiring to not chant it in the presence of the filth in those yellow-trimmed robes.

"Avada Kedavra!" *Desdemona Lacroix screeched and the green light of the most deadly curse flew through the great hall. She did not stay to see it hit or miss. Instead, another incantation was on her lips already, the one that would ensure that she was not discovered until she wanted to be seen.


As the spell washed over her, *Desdemona Lacroix became one with the shadows. She was gone. For the time being.

Stealth Charm (Furtim)
: Hides the caster from prying eyes and confounds potential Dark Magic sensors.
- Often used in conjunction with the Accuracy charm.

Posted by: Destiny Shadows Jul 11 2004, 08:40 PM
Avada Kedavra! Destiny didn't scream, shriek, or anything as she ducked behind an overturned chair. She watched in horror as the green light whizzed past her.

Furtim! She vaguely recognized this spell, so she stayed behind the chair until the Death Eater seemingly disspeared. She stayed rooted to the ground, too scared to get up. "Professor McGonagall?" Destiny asked uncertainly, praying that no one was hit with the killing curse.

Posted by: Rafael Rinvaleré Jul 14 2004, 07:00 PM
A fleeting visage of a pair of haunting eyes and honey-blonde hair was all *Rafael Rinvaleré saw before a sharp pain burned into his skin. The chit of a woman had quite sharp fingernails if they could still scratch his face underneath the leather gloves of hers and worse still, the blinding spell that was cast right in his face had him literally blinded – all he saw was white. Sparkling white stars that lingered in his vision for longer than he favored.

Cursing his lack of focus, the dark-haired Auror scowled as the blasted woman purred into his ear, the words settling uncomfortably in his stomach. He had no absolute desire to meet the Death Eater again, but if they were to meet, it’ll be high time for him to throw her into Azkaban and settle it at that. Then, when he finally was able to stand up properly, the man pointed his wand at himself and muttered, “Finite Incantatem.

As his vision finally cleared up, the intensity of the next curse – one that he was unable to block – had *Rafael Rinvaleré falling down on his knees once more, the excruciating pain making Rafael bite his lip in an attempt to keep himself from screaming. It felt as if someone was tearing his muscles apart underneath the skin, and his entire body seemed to want to give into the convulsions that many in his position would experience. Still, having being placed under the Cruciatus many times before had taught his system to handle it better than most, and as the seconds ticked by, the Auror stood up once more whilst glancing at the others.

The two girls were trembling, and one of them seemed to have snapped, for despite Minerva’s attempts to calm the younger child, she appeared terrified, almost to the point of being hysterical. Her friend seemed to be comforting her, but to no avail either. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, *Rafael Rinvaleré contemplated over his choices, only to quickly jump out of the green light’s way as the Killing curse streaked itself past one of the Hufflepuffs, him, and hit a scuttling rat by the corner wall, which promptly fell dead.

Scowling, *Rafael Rinvaleré turned towards where the spell had came from, only to notice that the blasted woman was no longer there. How dare her! Casting a killing charm where children are around! His temper could only be contained so much, and at the Slytherin table, china cracked loudly before Rafael regained control of his emotions.

Glancing back at the two girls, the man pointed his wand at the girl who was still hitting Minerva and muttered, “Stupefy.

Once sure that the girl was stunned, *Rafael Rinvaleré walked over to the Transfiguration mistress’s side and helped her up before murmuring, “Mobilicorpus. Minerva, we’ll have to get her to the Hospital Wing.” Then, turning over to the elder student, he continued curtly, “Girl. Stay with her there.”

((Off to the HW with you Miss Crowley, Miss Shadows.))

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