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Min's Travel Memoirs

Two roads diverged in the woods.
I took the one less traveled by.
And that has made all the difference
Robert Frost

Tell me not what great institutions of knowledge you have attended.
But do tell me to what faraway lands you have traveled.
Prophet Mohammed

The longest journey is the journey inward.
Dag Hammarskjold


I'm pleased to share my Travel Memoirs,
and food for thought on other lifestyle topics,
such as Food, Health and Spirituality.

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A wise Teacher once told me about the "Might of the Pen."
I will share original non-fictional and fictional writing pieces.

Click here for my Adventures in Italy.

Click here for my Ecosystems WebQuest.

Thanks for your interest!

Please come back and visit again!

All Photographs are original to Min Kim, unless otherwise acknowledged.

Web Site Maintained by Min Kim.

Last Updated on

My favorite web sites:

Click here to visit my Forking Delicious Web Site.
Click here to participate in my Food Diaries Discussion Group.
Click here to visit the TravelPunk Web Site.
Click here to visit the Globe Trekker Web Site.
Click here to visit the Lonely Planet Web Site.
Click here to visit the Bikram Yoga College of India Web Site.
