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My Story's
Sunday, 14 May 2006
A curse is what it is
A nightmare is what has become
Loneliness is my shadow
While the moon is my silent companion

A viewer of my curse
My silent punisher
The mother of my pain
That is what the moon is

Ignorant is what people are
When they see, people like me
A monster they say
A killer it is
Such painful words
With so much hatred

This lonely path
Is what it is
A curse
A very painful curse

Though some say is a blessing
But they are probably mad
A blessing indeed
A blessing of pain

You can hear me cry every night
Every time I thing of my mother’s pain and worry
And my father’s sorrowfully eyes every time they see me
They love me, but it is such a painful love

Posted by planet/mizukihikari at 10:29 AM EDT
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Zoro’s Path
A swordsman I became
A promise I will fulfill
A hunter is my job
The pirates are my prey
The hunted is what they will become
On till my path changes, that is what I will do

My friend, a girl
Spirited and strong
A great swordswoman she was
Of illness she died
Her dream is now mine
Left is her word
That now I treasurer for life
I will fulfill her dream
The greatest swordsman I will become
And no one will stand a chance
That is forever, my path on till death comes
I will be strong
I will be the best
Just for you
For you my friend
I will fulfill both our dream
The greatest swordsman is what I will be
And no one is going to stop me
I will do this for you
For both of us
I chose this path
And hope that you would be please
So this is my path
A path of difficulty
And death
One of great hardships
But for both of us
That is what I will do

Posted by planet/mizukihikari at 10:28 AM EDT
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My mask
My mask is such a lie
You see me
As an evil entity
It brings me pain
In my heart to see that
People always say that am dark
But that’s just a lie
In reality is just my mask
The one that protects me
From pain
And hurt

You don’t see me like am really am
Most say that I am cold like winter
Some say that I am evil as the devil
But that not true
And you know it
It brings me pain to feel the hatred of every one
So I protect my self being cold
Being emotionless
Bringing pain and hatred along the way

In truth it brings me tears of loneliness
That lies in my heart
Don’t you think I suffer enough?
Please release me from this nightmare
Please bring joy and love to my life
Please just protect me like I want you to
And take away the sorrow of my life
And make me live
Make me happy
And just love me

Because you are my one
The one that can cure me
The one that help keep my sanity
Just set me free to express my self
To break this mask
That over powers me
Just help me
Because you’re my half
You are my life
And because you’re my everything
I feel like I can trust you for ever

Posted by planet/mizukihikari at 10:27 AM EDT
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Kyou's desire
Why do you hate me?
Why do you cry every time you see me?

Am I a bad boy?
Have I done anything wrong?
Am I that hateful that you keep laying to me and you’re self?

Do you know that you break my heart every time you cry?
Do you think that keeping me away from the world would protect me?
Or are you protecting your self not showing me to the world?

I know what I am the Cat
The one everyone is suppose to despise, hate and not love
I am a monster in your eye

You keep trying to tell your self that you love me
But that is not true you hate me, like father does
Yet your guilt is the one pulling you to care for me and lie

I cry at night for every pain that you feel
All that loneliness from the others
But don’t you see that I feel pain too
When you keep forcing your self to lie to me

So I am always lonely
I want freedom from this house
I want joy in my life
Not a curse that inflicts pain to everyone that comes near me
Not a monster that needs to keep hidden
So everything left that I can do is cry
I know that soon you wish to die
And leave me, because you want to free yourself from this curse
And that pains my heart, so I learn not to be friendly to others
So I can never make friends
Especially with the rat, because everything would leave to pain
I wish that someone could hear my prayers and save me from this life
I know I asking in vain because every zodiac has its pain
But please save me
I want a normal life or as normal as the rest of the zodiac
I hate this curse
This imprisonment that takes over our life
I want to be free
And enjoy life as how it’s meant to be

Posted by planet/mizukihikari at 10:27 AM EDT
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every night
every night ...
I walk alone
seeing the moon so bright and strong

I just feel like dancing
under the stars
come, come and sing

this hunted melody
come and sing, this hunted melody

I every day
I feel so lost
that my friends
always worried
about me

I just stay the same
because I don't know, what to do...
now please don't cry
because of me
I am just crazy
about you

I will walk on water
when you are just with me
I will cry a river, if you just disappear
I can't stand this loneliness
please don't leave me alone

because then I will cry alone

and the moon will shine my way

so come, come and sing this hunted melody
come and sing this hunted melody

Posted by planet/mizukihikari at 10:27 AM EDT
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What is family?
Family what is family?
While children play I just watch
They all have fun while I just cry
My loneliness is one
One with out the other
The other people
What people am I talking about?
My family of course
The one that I don't see
The one that just work

I am lonely,
I am just a child
Wanting a family
To just be happy with
Is Christmas time supposed to be a happy one?
Or am I just unlucky?
Do I have to be in darkness?
Or can I be in light
Can you tell me?

Family what family all that I have is my self
They forgot about me
So the only thing that is left is to cry
And that’s what I do
In this lonely Christmas time
Can I just have love or at least happiness one day?
Please just tell me
So for now I just cry

Posted by planet/mizukihikari at 10:25 AM EDT
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Don’t you feel special when you know that you are never alone?
Is true, we are never alone
We have our guardians
The one that tries to lead us to the path of light
The one that knows us best in life
There always there
Waiting for the time for us to call them

Do they have a name?
Maybe, but for now we know them as angels
Our protector
Our guidance
The one that watch us in silence
And comfort us in life

But, we don’t see
If we don’t believe
Most think they are not real
Most think is just the imagination
But it’s true; all you need to do is just believe
Believe in them and they will appeared
In the time that we need them the most

They are our silent protectors
In this world, this world that’s becoming evil
And full of pain
We need there guidance now and forever
All we have to do is believe

Posted by planet/mizukihikari at 10:24 AM EDT
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My loving despaird
Why do you close your heart?
Why do you make me cry?
When you know that only your love can save me

Save me from my pain….
My past…….
This whisper words that I shared to you
Are the ones that I care about ….
I been trying to reach you
I been trying to lead you
And make you see where your heart is in mine

I been kneeling silently in the night
My eyes watering by that simple memory
That memory of forgotten love
That memory from the arrows of my pain
That memory that filled me with so much hopeless love
Those hope that I can never reach

Why do I love you?
When all you do is hurt me …..
I let my heart in your arms
But you broke it away…
Like some lifeless doll that couldn’t be kept
You make me fall in to my suicide dreams

Why! Why! Why!
Why do I love you?
Loving a monster
A monster that breaks my heart
Such pain you make me feel
And I still can’t hate you
Such bitter words that cross my heart
Such loneliness I keep inside

You my soul
My life
Even thought you my hate me
I can’t stop loving you
Loving your embrace
Loving your voice
Loving you whole

Such tears I free
Such pain I fell
Please someone
Set me free
I can’t live a life like this

I feel like a shadow
Fallowing you but never touching you
Like a holy god
Seeing but never touching

Why did I had to fall in love
Fall in love with someone like you
Why! Why! Why do I keep whispering your name?
Every dream I get
It’s like an arrow trough my skin

You send me to madness
You send me to pain
But what you really send me is to my death

My cold heart
My indifferent arms
Even though you don’t see me
I will always love you
Trough my tears and heart….

Posted by planet/mizukihikari at 10:24 AM EDT
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nature is calling
Nature is calling
Calling in pain
Don’t you see the pain?
That we do everyday

We chop up wood
And we contaminate the air
Don’t you think?
The rain its natures way to cry
Don’t you feel the changes?
That our world is going thru

Don’t you think?
Don’t you feel?
That everyday we kill…..

Kill our mother, the earth
The hurricanes are our warnings
The floods are her anger
We think less of her
Because we evolve and think of things that are not important
What things am I talking about?
Those are thing that are controlling our society
When in reality we won’t live for long
If we think like that

She is our life giver
She’s the air
The thing that keeps us alive
And we do not do anything to protect her
And that pain that we give her for forgetting her
Is my pain too
Since nature is beautiful
And all ways will be
While I will always hope
For a time that she will be Praise
But I fear that that time will come too late.

Posted by planet/mizukihikari at 10:21 AM EDT
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Hey mother!
Hey Mother!
Cant you feel me in your belly
Kicking your stomach
Swimming around
Waiting to see your world
Everyday I keep growing
Knowing that I will finally see you
Instead of being in you
I want to see daddy and not feel him when he touches your belly

When I finally got out of your belly, mother
I open my eyes just so I can see you for the first time since I was growing inside of you.
I cry at first knowing that you weren’t holding me first
I just wanted to feel your arms around me
Not another’s
I know that daddy was probably holding me
But I want you to hold me!

When you finally hold me for the first time
You smile at me
And I smile back

Posted by planet/mizukihikari at 10:21 AM EDT
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