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the life and traing of a buding Misstres
Tuesday, 13 March 2007
an addvencher to the other side
Mood:  on fire
i have not been on in quite some time, part of that is due to school, and part due to the way in wich i now chews to stucher my life and the way i do things. the hardest lessen for me to learn in all my 25 years has been to not sweat the small stuff. the trick being that one has got to realize that it is all small stuff.

with this reliztion comes new fun "toys" to play with. the come with resonasblites too. can anyone guss what has happened don't blink you might miss it.

There is a fire

that non but three

have truly seen

but one knew was there

with every step i take

into this new dark forest the more

concontal i have for mine

whee onece o was afide to go

now there is a lighted path

two females one male

are now unafride of the beast's wrath

as it and i both learn

to sear and burn

they purr

it purrs

i purr

we now seem one

until later

Posted by planet/missbree at 9:05 PM
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Monday, 5 March 2007
where to start
Mood:  not sure
Topic: gemeral
this is just the beging, there is so much to put down so much to say, over the past six months Alan and i have been together, and afreed to stat a lifestile household, in the prose of this we have met meany fakes and a few posabityes. this blog is going to containe the happening of the house and the progess of my Misstes traing as well as theur slave traing.
more to come
Miss bree

Posted by planet/missbree at 3:16 PM
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