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Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Mood:  chillin'
The Alchemist brought to life
a Being sprinkled with The DNA of God.
He said Someone’s waiting for you.

Rummaged for what they say
as “No Such Thing.”

Palpable and impalpable
Angels and Demons.

Afterward grasped
Uh-oh, Reality bites

At times,
By the River Piedra, I sat and wept
Humming in my universe while Searching my soul
Tried calling out Spiderman
and Reaching for the invisible God,
secretly wishing
it was the
Last night of the world.

But often,
Mona Lisa smiles with Friends.
Looks life with Queer Eye

Three decades of existence;
Tenth Insight came
Before Sunset
All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten.


Posted by planet/minthe.chocolat at 9:14 AM EDT
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Friday, 6 April 2007
Mood:  accident prone

When I was younger, I loved stories with happy-ever-after ending… fairy tales. I always looked for this type of story in romance novels, comics, tv dramas, and films. I liked the feel-good emotions it puts in the air and the way it depicts life as fair and beautiful…. despite of all the miseries that the characters had been through, everything would turn out A-ok, happy…perfect!

I thought life is a fairy tale.

However, my three decades of existence proved that I am wrong. The real characters I have met, the real plots and settings I have been through taught me that not all stories have a happy conclusion. Likewise, perfection and happiness are hard to find in the real world.

Thus, fairly tales have fooled me, perhaps, you as well. It made us believed that:

There is only one wicked witch in a princess life.

Princesses are weak, dainty, and good-looking.

Princes should be strong, charming, and good-looking.

Wishes will come true in a whisk of a wand.

Frogs and beasts when kissed will turn into a handsome prince.

Every damsel-in-distress will be saved by her prince charming; and they will live happily-ever-after.

All happy endings happened a long, long time ago.


Today is Good Friday, and the whole Christendom is once again commemorating the passion and death of Christ.

And I am contemplating…

Is the story of the Son of God here on earth had already ended or it is still unfolding?

What if Jesus Christ’s story is just another type of fairy tale woven from the imagination of several authors?

Is JESUS CHRIST our superhero, our prince charming or both?

What if I am The God or You are The God, or We are all Gods?

What if He does not have castle in heaven?

Is heaven really just a state of mind/being?

Is our life here on earth, our heaven?

If earth is our heaven, is there still life after death?

If there is no such thing as eternal life, is death our ultimate end?

If God is the author of life, what kind of role am I playing in His(tory), a kind lead or a cruel villain? ;-)

I do not want to read fairy tales anymore. Perhaps three decades of existence already made me somewhat jaded.

Nevertheless, I still believe…


Life is indeed Beautiful (not only in make-believe-world),


Happiness is Eternal.


Silence pacifies the spirit.

Thank-God-Its-Good Friday!

Posted by planet/minthe.chocolat at 12:01 AM EDT
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