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Parts of a Guitar

Throughout this section will we be exploring the parts of a guitar. This will be helpful as you will be able to distinguish parts such as frets, strings, body as well as the head of the guitar and tuning pegs.

This is useful because you will need to know which frets and strings to place your fingers on to play a chord or note. Also you will need to know the parts of the guitar so you can place your body and hands in the appropriate place.

We will also go though locating the tuning pegs and which strings they correspond to. This is useful because it will save you time which you could be playing. It is also a good idea because you do not want to tune the wrong string and break it by accident.

The red arrow here is pointing to the wooden bridge. This piece holds the strings in place. It is also a good spot to place the palm of your picking hand.

The picture above is the guitars sound hole. Generally, you want to pick or strum with your right hand over the sound hole.

In the above picture you can see the head of the guitar. On the outermost edges of the head are six metal tuning pegs. This is what you will turn to tune your guitar. We will cover tuning later on on our learning journey.

Here I have circled the first fret on the guitar. A fret is usually seperated by two metal bars. Between the metal bars is where you will place your fingers. You may also note that there are some white dots on some on the fret board between the frets. These are markers that you can use to judge which fret you want to be on. The first white dot on the right marks the fifth fret, the second is the seventh fret and the last one shown is the ninth fret.