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Website Equivalent for IT 117

by Mike Jones_13



  1. Create HTML.  This Page has completed that task.

  2. Documents and Formats.  There are an unlimited amount of formats that can be used to create web pages.  There are also an unlimited number of Document Types that can be used to create Web Pages.

  3. Graphics and Multimedia.  View this page to see the objectives met for Multimedia.

  4. Forms. I have added a form on the Order Page

  5. Tables. I created tables on the media page filling them with images and text.

  6. Page Layout. There are many things to a page layout.  I have included some of those items on this page such as text and images.  Page Layout also has to do with authoring and using specific web page design applications.

  7. Design Effective Web Pages.  The most Effective item you can do when creating web pages is to use style sheets.  It is much easier to make one change and have it replicated to 1000's of pages then going to those pages individually to make changes.  Anything else that can be done at a global level should be used when designing effective web pages.  Effective web pages should be single web pages specific to one or two items only.  Yahoo is an example of a non-effective web site.

  8. Scripting. I have added scripts to validate the form.  It is on the Order Page.


Course Objective