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Midas Jeepers Photo Gallery 

Eagle Rock
Rainbow Falls
Chinaman Gulch

04/18/2007 09:36 PM

Hey Group I was trying to email photos out today and there is just too many to get them all in emails. I would have to break them down into small files and send several different emails to each person. This web site can hold 5 Gigs of photos and you can choose the ones you want by right clicking the photo and saving to your computer. If we use this page I'll keep it up and update it to look and function better. If you have photos you want added here burn them to a CD and give them to me or email them to me. Although emails can only receive 10mgb at a time so you would need to break them up. My email is . If you have Video and can make a copy of it I have the equipment and software to edit it and if there is room I can post it here as well. 


04/18/2007 09:36 PM

Posting all the photos I took at Eagle Rock and this last trip to Chinaman Gulch.

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