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Welcome to my page! The place where you can learn a little bit about me and about the things I like. I am 22 years old and live in Miami, FL. I am currently attending Jones College and it’s my last semester on getting my Associates in Business Administration. You can say I’m very excited about that! It has been a pretty stressful semester taking 5 classes but well worth it that the end (of the beginning)! I plan to start FIU come January 2007, and get my Bachelor’s in Business.

Besides going to school full-time, I also work 35 hours a week. I’m working in a commercial real estate company doing bookkeeping and property management. I love my job because I’m learning all kinds of knew things, such as real estate and financing. However, I do admit that the job can be stressful at times, especially having to go to school at the same time. The pros definitely outweigh the cons on this one. My boss is also very flexible with my schedule and also very understanding, so I can’t complain.

I am a huge animal lover; I own 2 dogs and 2 parrots. They can be a handful at times, but they always end up putting a smile on your face. I also enjoy sports, art, music and resting when I have time! What I usually do on my free time is play basketball, read, spend time with my pets and loved ones, and of course do homework!! I also love to try new things, as long as it isn’t dangerous.

Below you will find a few interesting links you might want to check out. They happen to be some of my favorite sites I visit regularly.,My Space Profile