Tenormin? For what? Excessive hair loss causes. Our fatty bodies call us for lose weight help. Skin care facts. What is modern plastic surgery.

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Tenormin? For what?

Tenormin: uses Tenormin is a beta-blocker used to treat chest pain ( angina ) and high blood pressure. It is also used after an acute heart attack to improve survival. High blood pressure reduction helps prevent strokes, heart attacks and kidney problems.

Tenormin works by blocking action of certain natural chemicals in your body such as epinephrine on heart and blood vessels. This results in a lowering of the heart rate, blood pressure, and strain on heart.

Tenormin: how to use Take Tenormin by mouth, usually once daily; or as directed by your doctor. Use Tenormin regularly in order to get most benefit from it. To help you remember, use ...

Discovery health

Excessive hair loss causes

Excessive hair loss causes

There are many surgical procedures which will help to restore the hair from falling. Surgical restoration is the only permanent solution to baldness. It involves a series of operations that extract plugs of scalp from the sides and back of your head, where hair grows densely, and implant them on top and in front, where you are going bald.

For men, hair loss is male pattern baldness. Yes, there are other types of hair loss, including rare conditions such as alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis, where the entire scalp and entire body, respectively, become completely bald due to a viral condition that is irreversible. There is also patch baldness, in which hair falls out in patches of the scalp. This is caused by stress or poor nutrition or adverse scalp conditions. But the hair will usually grow back once the cause has been rectified.

The innermost layer of hair is called the medulla and reflects light giving hair the various color tones it has. That's why hair color looks a lot different in sunlight than it does in the shade.

Most people require more than one session, each spaced at least six months apart each to complete the hair restoration in an area. The timing and number of transplants depends on the amount of hair you have when you start, how much is anticipated that you will continue to lose without transplanting and how much hair density you desire.

In most cases, immediately after the hair transplant the hairs fall out of the grafts, and do not regrow for 1-3 months. After this they begin to grow as normal hair. With each session there is more hair, and the resulting appearance is thicker hair.

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Our fatty bodies call us for lose weight help

Our fatty bodies call us for lose weight help

Scale weight is a total measure of bone, muscle, fluid, organs, and fat. Weight measurements reflected by the bathroom scale or compared to standard height and weight tables does not allow for weight changes which occur due to aging, exercise, or frame size. Therefore, more emphasis should be placed on body composition and healthy lifestyles with less on body weight alone.

Fat distribution can influence a person's risk of disease. Fat carried around the waist and in the abdominal area, characterized by the "apple shape", is associated with an increased risk for many medical problems such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Fat that is mostly distributed around the buttocks and thighs is associated with a lower risk of developing these diseases.

To achieve lasting weight loss, commitment must be given to making real changes in eating patterns. Individuals are who not committed will gain back their weight.

Binge eating can be triggered by many things such as stress, depression, loneliness or anger. Food is used as a way of dealing with issues other than hunger.

During a binge, 10,000 to 20,000 calories can be consumed throughout the day. Binges usually consist of foods like cookies, candy, chips, ice cream and many other high calorie foods. Binges are often done in secret. After a binge, many of the feelings that caused the binge, like stress, may have subsided only to be replaced with feelings of guilt and lack of self-control.

Binge eating is like bulimia, but does not include purging behaviors. A diagnosis of binge-eating disorder is made when a person binges an average of two days per week over a six month period.

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Skin care facts

Skin care facts

The skin is often known as "the largest organ in the human body". This applies to exterior surface, as it covers the body, appearing to have the largest surface area of all the organs. Moreover, it applies to weight, as it weighs more than any single internal organ, accounting for about 15 percent of body weight. For the average adult human, the skin has a surface area of between 1.5-2.0 square metres, most of it is between 2-3 mm thick. The average square inch of skin holds 650 sweat glands, 20 blood vessels, 1000 melanocytes, and more than a thousand nerve endings.

The skin on a person's face is seen by people that person interacts with. For some people, therefore, facial skin care is of particular importance, and they often use cosmetics to deal with the appearance of the face and condition of the skin, such as those for pore control and black head cleansing.

The dermis can be split into the papillary and reticular layers. The papillary layer is outermost and extends into the dermis to supply it with vessels. It is composed of loosely arranged fibres. Papillary ridges make up the lines of the hands. The reticular layer is more dense and is continuous with the hypodermis. It contains the bulk of the structures (such as sweat glands). The reticular layer is composed of irregularly arranged fibres and resists stretching.

The first step to taking care of your skin is preventing damage. Sun, wind, pollutants, and simply aging can degrade the condition of your skin. Common complaints include dry and itchy skin, wrinkles, sagging, color changes, and age spots. There are steps that you can take to keep you skin looking and feeling its best.

Apart from the services offered at skin clinics, many creams, gels and ointments that claim to treat acne, diminish sun or age spots and enhance skin elasticity are widely available in the market. There are scrubs, cleansers, masks, over-the-counter skin medicine and skin peel formulations, all offered at various price ranges. Most can be bought at department stores or drugstores, but the fact is that very few of these so- called miracle products actually work.

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