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Hey whats up this is my home page. This where if you want to get to know a little bit more about me. As you know I'm in the 10th grade and going on to 11th, I'm 15 and about to be 16. I'm and only chid but it's preety good from time to time. Some of the things I usually like to do is hang around with my friends. I also like cars a lot I like muscle cars and import cars, now I said I like cars but I dont know to much about them.


(This is a picture of one of my favorite cars a Nissan Skyline GTR R34. )


Some of the thing's that I like to do is to hang out with my friends when ever I have the chance, I also like to go to the arcade, go to the mall stuff like that. I also like to listen to music (who dosen't) Type of music that I like to listen to is rock, and rap, I like to listen to all types of music. Some bands that I like to hear are Story of the Year, Atreyu, Linkin Park, Fort Minor, CrossFade, Hawthorne Heights........ Bands like that.






(I just like this picture)