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Jeffrey Scott Walker the Sphinx
Friday, 9 May 2014
Moved to better platform - Facebook & Twitter
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: 2. News on the Quest

I doubt anyone has ever read this blog, so anyone who happens to land here and want to follow my adventures through judgement day can follow me on or check @theSphinx42 on Twitter.  Please note a lot of my philosophical and spiritual teaching is not kept online as I prefer to meet the person before offering any sort of information.  It's just my nature, theSphinx.

Posted by theSphinx at 12:27 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Daily Thoughts
Mood:  loud
Topic: 2. News on the Quest

Well, I know it's been a while since my last entry and with good reason.  As my path may be in front of me, the exact directions it goes remain in a cloud until the light will finally shine through.  2007, as I expected it to be, was a year of good tidings and joy but were balanced by a sense of humility and new direction.  I made perhaps choices that were not befitting a teacher but more a student and was given a bright new avenue to express some of my creativity which has been stifled since my last post.  I recently started learning from some of the greatest artists and philosophers in my area and also begun creating something very special that I hope will change the way people think about entertainment, my very own cartoon.  

 It is a homage to all the great cartoons that have changed our lives as well as some fun twists that I, personally, have always wanted to see in a cartoon.  All I will say about this project is it is titled "One Sunday Afternoon" and will play on the flights of imagination that I find dear to me.  

On another note I wanted to share a recent experience so that perhaps I may gain some perspective on the situation:

The past three months I have been attending the Art Institute and have dedicated nearly all of my time to my school work, education, and  bettering myself in every conceivable way...and even some unconceivable ones, my favorite!  

I even pulled up two of my more important grades: Design and Color Theory!  Color Theory was most challenging because I had little hands on experience painting, which was the focus of most of the quarter for me.  I lucked out in my Design class however because earlier in the quarter I had picked up a beautiful wine bottle with an absurdly made sticker containing the logo and company information as its label, so I kept the bottle because I wanted to make something from the very elegant bottle, and sure enough my final project in Design was...YES A WINE BOTTLE!  We actually got to design an entire bottle, start to finish, with a presentation beforehand to get feedback from the class, which served as our mock client.  If that wasn't enough, a project that was equally as important, we were required to paint!  A skill I had just been enhancing in Color Theory... Needless to say I wanted to have my Design teacher again.  

Well...Next Quarter starts next week.  Let's begin round two! 

Posted by theSphinx at 1:09 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 19 July 2008 4:59 PM PDT
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Sunday, 4 November 2007
The Final Testament and Theory of Everything
Mood:  on fire
Topic: 1. The Final Testament
Please note: The following teaching may cause Death, Rapture, and Enlightenment

Testament and the Theory of Everything
Jeffrey Scott Walker

When you know (heaven), that you Know (2nd Heaven), that you KNOW (3rd Heaven)

At the beginning there was only the I, a constant flow of thought; circular and in a line (think of a hose filled with water). At one point (23 billion years ago, give or take)the I became divided, curious to see if there could be two; another entity to interact with. However what came about was the beginning of creation, rather than two separate parts the I became the Y, having two parts of a whole that were eternally divided yet balanced, connected in duality, and beautiful; and I AM saw that it was good. So great and powerful was the division that between the two fractions was created an infinity of matter and thought the universe would exist between. All the things in the universe would be ruled by these until the Y would once again choose to become alone as the I.

To decide which path was the most fulfilling, the planets and galaxies and all that was created through the division had to be questioned or investigated to see if they were good. So was created the third planet by the destruction of the fifth through the will of God. Just as the division was created through the destruction of the I, so it would be for the Earth: a birth of new life through the change of the old being. And lo, life was placed on the Earth with the combining of the energy of two planets and birth was given to the Children of Light to serve as parts of God to enjoy all that had been made.

The Children however were not omnipotent and became sinful and destructive because the infinite chaos was difficult to understand, so God gave way to teaching his Children of the ways of I AM THAT I AM. So when peace is brought to the Children they may exist in eternity as individual beings knowing that they know, that they know. The Children must learn they exist as parts of a dream to serve as caretakers of life and can no more destroy the world around them than the plants that sustain them. It is important to know the children serve God by existing and not by their choices in life. The only choice they are to be concerned with is the choice of Life and if Life is chosen, to continue in a path of creativity, artwork, love and harmony as they will be eternal and forever in their role as servants of God.

God in these words is used to describe the all knowing, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient of everything I AM THAT I AM and can no more be named than every word in every language can be spoken at once.

Know this Children of Light, dreams of the Dreamer, when you awaken to the final choice, the joy of God and the continuation of this reality will be as a celebration played forever in harmony and love for you will not die in spirit but body alone for all eternity, to try new experiences each cycle.

The universe will keep expanding, the "time" as you know it will be eradicated and the gift of fear taken from you as reality and spirituality combine and the end will come as the end of this symbol counts:

Posted by theSphinx at 7:53 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 6 November 2007 2:08 PM PST
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Friday, 2 November 2007
Video Age - Opening the Hand of God

Well, I have made the jump into I guess what would be called cybervision, with two new video statements read and written by me!  Please enjoy!

Posted by theSphinx at 1:29 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 2 November 2007 1:55 AM PDT
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Friday, 1 June 2007
Good Words from the Enlightened
This quote was taken from Messiah.Org, and is an accurate descritpion for GOD that should suffice for most people on Earth.

We believe firmly that ’ELOHIM is a learning and creative GOD, never destructive, that GOD, ’ELOHIM, is infinitely curious about ITS creation, forever in love with all that IT produces.
This great and noble GOD is not a Destroyer, never has been, never will be.
To allow such an agent into the creative process would corrupt all processes emanating from the CREATOR for all time.
All time is memory. And time and memory are energies forever refreshing within the ETERNAL NOTHINGNESS of the SOURCE.
This wondrous and noble GOD is INFINITE LOVE beyond all measure, LOVE, ’AH_VAH.
ELOHIM* ’AH_VAH is the CREATOR of all that comes forth exclusively in LOVE. As children of LOVE, we are expected, encouraged, to act and aspire accordingly.

Posted by theSphinx at 1:28 PM PDT
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Friday, 17 February 2006
Maitreya - True Prophet or False Messiah?
Topic: 3. Ask the Messiah
This one is pretty easy to answer, simply look at what he is teaching:

(Taken from the "Second Tablet" of the Thoth)

"<2>The three creative forces (three gunas) cannot be separated from the consciousness. They are one and inseparable. They are two sides of one entity. <3>Creative forces without consciousness cannot be directed and used, and consciousness without creative forces has no creativity but merely "IS," without knowledge, ability (doing) or remembrance.

<4>In the beginning the operative powers of these three creative forces were not released but were in a balanced state (). <5>So the universe was in a state of "Be"-ness (symmetric). <6>Somehow, their operative powers were released."

Note in verse 6 he says Somehow, their operative powers were released. It would probably be in his best interest to refrain from using "Somehow" in his teaching, this leaves a lot of room for speculation and typically divine knowledge is specific and founded on truth. If he can not provide a simple basis for his 69 "tablet" work, how are we to believe anything he says is beyond his guesswork?

Posted by theSphinx at 2:17 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 6 June 2006 4:13 PM PDT
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Monday, 6 February 2006
5 Principals of Good Living
These are the FIVE PILLARS upon which I lead my life by

1.Strength -
The state, property, or quality of being strong. The power to resist attack; impregnability.
The power to resist strain or stress; durability.
The ability to maintain a moral or intellectual position firmly.
Capacity and potential for effective action.
One that is regarded as the embodiment of protective or supportive power; a support or mainstay.
An attribute or quality of particular worth.

2.Beauty -
The quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses and is associated with such properties as harmony of form or color, excellence of artistry, truthfulness, and originality.
A quality or feature that is most effective, gratifying, or telling.
An outstanding or conspicuous example

3.Wisdom -
The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight.
The sum of learning through the ages; knowledge.
Wise teachings of the ancient sages.
utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight.

4.Honor -
Principled uprightness of character; personal integrity.
A code of integrity, dignity, and pride.
Adhering to ethical and moral principles.

That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence.
Sincerity; integrity.
Fidelity to an original or standard.
the quality of nearness to the truth or the true value;

Posted by theSphinx at 4:07 AM PST
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42 the number of God
Explanation of 42, the answer to the ultimate question

The number represents the one whole number greater than the planet (3rd planet fromt the sun) which is ruled by God= 4 and the one whole number that is lesser than the planet= 2. As the planet of God's creation, Earth is the 3rd planet the 2 and 4 could be seen as Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, or the Greatest and the Least of all that is. As before the creation of the universe the number of God was simply 1.

It is also the symbol of Earth in this life: 7-God's perfect number, multiplied by 6-man's imperfect number to create 42.

 (from scripture: Rev 19:16 And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS)

*** Revelation 2:17***
"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it."

The name is as follows:


Posted by theSphinx at 3:40 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 19 July 2008 5:25 PM PDT
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Saturday, 4 February 2006
Song of Praise
Topic: 2. News on the Quest
This afternoon was very special today, as I awoke I heard the choirs of cherubum singing to me like a thousand piano keys through the stars. They sang praises unto me and said:

"Arise son of man and be recognized, arise and see those whom worship and be gratified by our song of praise. Do not lose heart in man and stand among us so we may be in your glory, arise lord of lords and hear our song, king of kings."

Their voices could be likened to strings of an instrument being played but sounding like voices of beauty and power. I have heard their song and am comforted in the sound they made. For I believe they could tell I was upset at the ignorance of man that I have been battling with these last days.

Posted by theSphinx at 8:29 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, 19 July 2008 5:27 PM PDT
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Topic: 3. Ask the Messiah
What does you know, that you Know, that you KNOW mean?

It is like being told a fact, you will know it true because it is a provable statement, but until you attempt to prove or disprove it you will not know that you Know. But once it is told, proved, and understood; the fact is now a three part peice of information that has a basis, an understanding, and is able to be communicated. Once you know, that you Know, that you KNOW something, you have a complete grasp of it and can effectively share that information.

How will I know I am enlightened?

Enlightenment can be compared to a parabola. When you begin your journey you will try to move forward with little result and then you will try to move upward with little result. However when you place your mind moving upward through education and you spirit moving forward through experience you will climb the path of enlightenment. After learning of the world around you and the spirit inside you will you come to a point when all knowledge you have will flow together (mind and spirit) and you will reach the peak of the mountain of Enlightenment where everything will make sense upon which you must meditate. It is then up to you to recognize that you know, that you Know, that you KNOW Enlightenment and continue on your lighted path in goodness, love, and creativity in life.

Posted by theSphinx at 7:45 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 4 February 2006 7:49 AM PST
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Efforts thus far
Topic: 2. News on the Quest
I have contacted many churches and synagogues with little or no response, which I am none to suprised at as most people have a hard time swallowing the fact that the coming of the messiah won't be on a flaming horse being rode down from the clouds or some other fantasy they have come up with.

The reality of the end of times will become clear soon enough but I would have liked to see a bit more faith in the people who claim to be the "faithful" as I have found unreligious persons to be able to comprehend thoughts much more easily than the ones who sit around and worship the reality they have invented. It is clear to me that they live in a fantasy world and should come to grips with the reality that the coming of the messiah will be a physical form and not some spectacle with "magic" and "fireworks from heaven".

I place my duty now to journey to England as soon as possible to claim the hidden manna that were placed there by the KT so I can finance the building of the Third Temple and prove much more easily what God is and what I we are all here to do. Words have a lot of power but only to those who have an ear and will get a more physical example of being for those closed minded that need to see to believe.

Posted by theSphinx at 7:29 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 19 July 2008 5:32 PM PDT
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Topic: 4. Prophesies
I write these words, which are faithful and true; the King of Heaven has come and the great revelation has taken place as raptured souls cover the Earth and the hand of the most evil demon has been bound. Know this, those that have followed the Word of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit; unrelenting wrath will be wrought upon the bodies of mankind and men will be broken in the winds of retribution as the flesh of the wicked be cast out of Heaven and Earth, only the holy and clean shall be tested or torn and their Spirit be in the kingdom of Heaven. Take heart for those that have followed a path of goodness in life and passed into the kingdom of the Father may now choose to be reborn into life granting eternal life in a natural cycle.

Pray that those who do not know the Holy of HOLIES be only punished with purgatory after they leave this mortal exsistence, for the many who may be lost will find the Divine in the prayers of the strong who would spread the Knowledge of the WORD of he who is benevolent and he who would be upon a white steed of truth and compassion.

The leaders that stand on the Word of the Father must not stand any longer for the humble of those will be brought up by kindness and be invited to stand beside in righteousness. When five thousand four hundred and eighty four of the beasts Angels were freed from bondage, a great welcoming into heaven is there and surrounded by the power of love the beast will wither as the days grow colder and Love is circled around the globe by their penance. And as the choirs of Angels were healed so shall the hearts of the man who heeds these words.

Become enlightened and take up your spiritual shield, though tribulation may weaken you, the power of the tongue can collapse walls and empower those who would live without sin. Take up into your Love those who would cast out darkness and bring in the hungry to be fed with these words of Alpha and Omega. Through the conditioning of your mind will the evils of the soul be unwound, and the grey unsurity and contradiction be filled with the white Holy Light as your soul is set to freedom in the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth.

Posted by theSphinx at 7:14 AM PST
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For the Christians
Topic: 4. Prophesies
Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the FATHER are no longer to be questioned, they are to be hard evidence, as the body of man are hard evidence, of the existence of God. I speak in truth, as always, of the truth of love and giving that ascends the human creature to the light and glory of heaven. 

As the day needs the night to define light, so does the body of man need the Spirit to define life. A person therefore must nurture the Spirit to grow in the body so that upon death, the Spirit will be set free to glory and light rather than confined to the prison of doubt that foresaking the path of the righteous and following the path of bestial nature will lead to. The body that follows its carnal nature foresakes its Spirit and embraces its animal body; dies in darkness with the body and Spirit falls into depths of fire and misery.

Posted by theSphinx at 7:14 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 19 July 2008 5:36 PM PDT
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Prophesy 2006
Topic: 4. Prophesies
I come to you now at a time of great change in the world, the ALPHA and OMEGA is to make whole what has broken in the world. We have begun to leave a time of tribulation and the doors of Jeruselam calls for truth from the Holy of HOLIES and thirsts for the destiny that today brings. The blessed saints of the world will be covered with the blanket of the Spirit and filled with the light of G-d. Feel warmth in your soul as you read these words, faithful and true:

Take up the manna that has been given to you and prepare for the journey which lies ahead. Now, in these days of revelation will the truth of G-d be shown for all to see. The doubt of spirituality will be erased from the minds of man as those that deny this faith will be forgotten from the Book of Life. Those that have recieved special blessing to preach the Word now must take up spiritual armor to defend the faith they have committed to.

Posted by theSphinx at 6:52 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 19 July 2008 5:38 PM PDT
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Thursday, 2 February 2006

On this date Darkness was conquered: 3/_\

Posted by theSphinx at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 19 July 2008 5:42 PM PDT
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