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The Crap I Think About When I Cant Sleep
Monday, 3 April 2006
she is just so right!
Topic: stuff kathleens told me
Love for someone is real when you are willing to let go for their sake no matter how difficult it is...

Posted by planet/megela426 at 7:39 PM CDT
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Hard but so TRUE
Topic: stuff kathleens told me
I guess it's gonna have to hurt

I guess I'm gonna have to cry

And let go of some things I love

To get to the other side

I guess it's gonna bring me down

Like falling when you fly

It's sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life

Starts with goodbye

Posted by planet/megela426 at 5:31 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 21 March 2006

Topic: stuff kathleens told me
We're roommates we've had, parties we've attended, classes we've taken, people we've kissed*...those we've missed. Nights of laughter Nights of tears Hellos, goodbyes, "I'm sorry's", "I'll call you's" and all the in betweens, most of all are the friendships we've made, bonds we've built and the ones we've left behind. The people may fade but the memories never will...

Posted by planet/megela426 at 12:10 AM CST
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life's instructions #4
Topic: my advice about life
with the fast paced life everyone is living these days, at least slow down when your eating, make 5minute dinners a thing of the past, if your whole day is hectic and on top of that you cant enjoy a meal where you actually have time to TASTE your food, you'll be unhappy... the only time you should ever contain your general "happiness about life" is at a funeral, otherwise, you should always spread your happiness. bragging about being happy never pisses anyone off, if you do it right, it may just inspire someone to find that same happiness... even if you're not a teacher, teach. even if people dont seem like they want to listen, talk. everyone has learned some life lessons and everyone knows someone who can take something from their experience, so SHARE your experiences, just leave out the boring ones... sometimes its easier to detect sadness in a stranger as opposed to a good friend, reach out to them. whether its a big grin or you approach them to talk to them, you may be just the person they've been searching for to talk to... if you're more shy or you're pretty outgoing, you can always be MORE outgoing. go up to people you dont know and strike up a conversation, a lot of people might remain a little distant at first, ut chances are they'll open up and you both might gain a friendship. if they dont, well at least you tried... NEVER label a time or experience in your life a waste. even if you think you're just insulting yourself, chances are that someone else feels responsible for "wasting youre time." life is like a rollercoster we never get off, if you call some moment in on that rollercoaster a "waste" it's as thought you wished it hadnt happened, but if that "wasted time" hadnt occurred, you wouldnt get to that next moment on the rollercoaster, the next moment in your life, you could be missing out on a great moment.

Posted by planet/megela426 at 12:05 AM CST
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Monday, 20 March 2006
Life's instructions #3
Topic: my advice about life
reduce stress in any possible way, no matter how small the amount, it will add up quickly - get a hook for your keys and every time you come home hang them up - easily eliminating the possible frustrations that can escalate into many more problems is a very helpful habit to start... it may require great brain capacity to be a hardcore Bears fan or Sox fan, memorizing every fact about every player, you might be able to WOW a few people with your overflowing knowledge, but what is truly rewarding for not only you but the players on the team is watching the games of the people you know, wether its the grade school aged kids you babysit playing soccer or t-ball, or a friend or sibling competing in a high school sport, or your dad playing basketball with his buddies at the park, Brian Urlacher, A.J. Pierzynski, Mark Prior wont notice you when you attend their games, the people who need your support are your friends and family - the people who support you!... make an effort to workout, even if its just once a week, not so you stay healthy (although it helps) but because it's so much easier to think clearly when exercizing. even if its just taking the dog for a walk, it helps clear your mind and relieve stress. things just "click" when your working out. dont trust me on this, try it!... hold doors open for the elderly, because one day you'll be one and when some kid speeds by you and opens the door for himself, THEN you'll understand why old people always had prejudgements about "kids these days"

Posted by planet/megela426 at 11:52 PM CST
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Tuesday, 14 February 2006
Life's Instruction #2
Topic: my advice about life
wink at people often, it makes them smile... actually touch someone every day - whether it's a hug, a handshake, a kiss, or a pat on the back - everyone needs to be touched no matter what they say or think... get fresh air every day - even if it's just by opening a window and sticking your head out, it will refresh your senses... smile at a stranger when you get the chance, even if they dont smile back, at the very least you will feel better about yourself... just because good deeds may indeed be selfish (if for no other reason because you feel better about your self image when you help someone else) doesnt mean you shouldnt do them as often as you can. Help someone else, feel better about yourself - it's a WIN-WIN situation!... if you're a nail biter - make en effort to stop, it's a simple goal that, if accomplished, leaves you feeling quite rewarded and it will motivate you to accomplish more complex and difficult goals... we all have days in which we feel we look pretty darn good, at least in comparisson to our bed-head selves, when you look good, TELL yourself so! now i wouldnt recommend saying this out loud, you dont want to appear conceited, but it will show in the way you carry yourself that you're comfortable with your appearance and others will admire that about you...

Posted by planet/megela426 at 8:44 PM CST
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Topic: stuff kathleens told me
All any girl really wants is for one guy to prove to her that all guys aren't the same

Posted by planet/megela426 at 12:44 AM CST
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Topic: quotes i made up
Loving two men, being with one of them, never given the chance to have the other, is the worst inner conflict a woman can experience. I wish this emotional rollercoaster upon no one.

Posted by planet/megela426 at 12:34 AM CST
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what kp says about college
Topic: stuff kathleens told me
i came home for a semester and my very best friend told me these wise words... thats what college is for, seeking yourself, what you love, what you hate, who means the world to you, who never did...high school just showed us the ups and downs of molds us in the person we are going to become, and giving that up is a major part of your life...

Posted by planet/megela426 at 12:34 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 14 February 2006 12:37 AM CST
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Topic: quotes i made up
Don’t get married until you’ve spent a day with every person that “could have been,” or else you’ll live life wondering if what COULD have been really SHOULD have been.

Posted by planet/megela426 at 12:32 AM CST
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