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My Char Gallery
My Char Gallery
Hello, Konichiwa Thankyou for visiting my website here, My name is Akira Genbe, I do many stories and here will be about me and the charicters I have created.
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This is me or more or less when I play Phantom of the Opera, I'm a young Japanese guy in Tokyo,Japan I lost my parents to the eartqauke that happened in Kobe in 1995. Now I live at a small house alone. I own a japnese ww2 plane and I tell the stories about my grandfather,I like meerkats as well. and I like fighter jets. I love my country of Japan and that all for now.

Comments (2) | Add a Comment

That's all a lie, you hate japan and you live in south florida and youre adopted. :) And you're using the recent earthquake to get more sympathy for yourself.

You're a real cockstain, and you'll pay for your sins. The Lord sees what evil vermin you are; you're worth nothing.
. | . | April 03, 2011

Did I mention you should jump into an alligator infested pond? It's all ur worth for anyway fatass.
Anonymous | November 03, 2011