Tofranil: useful modern medicine. Menopause-when? Dental contouring. Weight management. Medical advises for your health improvement.

on Czech about Menopause-when? Dental contouring. Weight management.

on German about Menopause-when? Dental contouring. Weight management.

on English about Menopause-when? Dental contouring. Weight management.

on Spanish about Menopause-when? Dental contouring. Weight management.

on French about Menopause-when? Dental contouring. Weight management.

on Greek about Menopause-when? Dental contouring. Weight management.

on Italian about Menopause-when? Dental contouring. Weight management.

on Dutch about Menopause-when? Dental contouring. Weight management.

on Portuguese about Menopause-when? Dental contouring. Weight management.

on Swedish about Menopause-when? Dental contouring. Weight management.



Tofranil: useful modern medicine.

uses of Tofranil Tofranil is used to treat depression. Using this medication may improve your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy level and may help restore your interest in daily life. Tofranil pamoate belongs to a class of medications called tricyclic antidepressants. It works by restoring balance of certain natural substances ( neurotransmitters ) in brain.

how to use of Tofranil Read the Medication Guide available from your pharmacist. Consult your doctor or pharmacist if we have any questions.

Take Tofranil by mouth with or without food, usually once daily at bedtime or as directed by your doctor. Dosage is based on your age, medical condition and respon ...

Healthy life articles



Some women don't have any symptoms during menopause or only have a few symptoms. Others develop disturbing and even severe, disabling symptoms. Studies of women around the world suggest that differences in lifestyle, diet and activity may play a role in the severity and type of symptoms women have during menopause. Symptoms can be noticed for several months to years before the last menstrual period and can continue for several years after.

Sleep often is disturbed by nighttime hot flashes. A long-term lack of sleep can lead to changes in moods and emotions. The chemical changes that happen during menopause do not increase the risk of depression. However, many women experience major life changes during their middle age including menopause and sleep disturbances, which can increase the risk of developing depression.

For most women, the diagnosis of menopause is made based on a woman's description of her symptoms and the ending of her menstrual periods. Laboratory testing is not usually needed.

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Dental contouring

Dental contouring

The main component of dentures is acrylic resin molded over the top of various combinations and paterns of metal. In oreder to use dentures all of the teeth in the top or bottom or both top and bottom of the mouth are removed. It is recomended that after the removal of the necessary teeth that the patient wait at least a month to have the dentures fit to the mouth. The waiting period allows for proper healing in the mouth to take place.

The dental contouring procedure can even be a substitute for braces under certain circumstances. It is also a procedure of subtle changes. A few millimeters of reduction and a few millimeters of tooth-colored laminate can create a beautiful smile when performed by a cosmetic dentist, with no discomfort to you. Tooth reshaping, or dental contouring, is commonly used to alter the length, shape or position of your teeth.

As we age, many of us find ourselves with teeth that are no longer structurally sound. Root canals, lost fillings, decay below a filling, chipping and cracking of the enamel are all things that can lead to large scale defects in a tooth's surface. When the entire surface of the tooth is a problem, but the root system is intact, a crown might be just what the dentist orders.

Grinding your teeth, an improper bite, age, fillings and tooth decay can all be contributing factors in the wearing down, cracking or breakage of your teeth. Dental crowns cover the entire visible surface of your affected tooth and add strength, durability and tooth stability.

A very mild etching solution is applied to your teeth to create very small crevices in the tooth's enamel structure. These small crevices provide a slightly rough surface permitting a durable resin to bond materials to your teeth. The resin is then placed on your tooth and high-intensity light cures the resins onto your tooth's surface - with each individual layer of resin hardening in just minutes. When the last coat has been applied to your tooth, the bonded material is then sculpted to fit your tooth and finely polished.

There are no known health risks of receiving composite fillings. If such a filling is not going to be enough to protect your damaged tooth, or if your tooth enamel is thin and will easily fracture, or if your tooth has had a root canal that weakened your tooth condition, your tooth may require additional protection such as a crown.

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Weight management

Weight management

As much as 50 to 75 percent of obesity has genetic influences. Just what those genetic influences are that affect body weight have not been identified.

Medically supervised fasts are very low calorie diets which provide from 400 to 800 calories per day. While most of these diets are low in calories, the protein provision is very high. The purpose of these diets is to promote fat loss, not muscle loss. The high protein content helps prevent large losses of muscle tissue. Electrolytes, vitamins and minerals are also supplemented.

Binge eating is like bulimia, but does not include purging behaviors. A diagnosis of binge-eating disorder is made when a person binges an average of two days per week over a six month period.

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