Maria Kanellis--Brandon Wilson The CMF's hottest couple!--

In the capital city of Cairo is where we next find the CMF superstars. Having arrived and now settled, awaiting "Rampage". As for Maria, she herself was in top form. Having read the card and seen her opponent for the week, she now settles into the dressing room she shared with her husband Brandon. Listening as he, Dave and Adam Copeland discussed both the past week show as well as what lay ahead.

-: CMF Cutie Brandon Wilson:- "You have to admit, Jeremy didn’t know what hit him. Pun intended.."

-: CMF 's Sexiest Diva Maria Kanellis:- " To say the least…"

-: CMF Cutie Brandon Wilson:-" You say something, honey?".

She gives him a glaring look then gets up. Walking to the bar to fix her a drink, as Adam speaks up.

:- The Rated R Superstar Adam Copeland:- "If you ask me, he had it coming. Just like Orton is about to get his."

:-The Strongest Man In The CMF Dave Batista:- " Oh I am pretty sure there are a lot of people who would disagree".

:- The Rated R Superstar Adam Copeland:- "Are you kidding me?".

:-The Strongest Man In The CMF Dave Batista:- " Do I look like I'm kidding?. Randy and Jeremy are darlings of the CMF, and I for one am sick of it. They are, in everyone's minds, truly golden. Mostly in their own heads, but still. Now I am sure the fans liked what you did, for all they booed you. Simply because the fans hate the Golden boys. "

:- The Rated R Superstar Adam Copeland:- "Don't seem that way to me. They are cheering them now."

:-The Strongest Man In The CMF Dave Batista:- " Cheering Jeremy maybe. But even that is funny in itself seeing as Jeremy has no regard for the fans, period. Same as Orton. Orton has the biggest ego in this place. He cares only about Orton and no one else."

:- The Rated R Superstar Adam Copeland:- "Come to think of it, Jeremy does talk down to the fans.."

-: CMF Cutie Brandon Wilson:-" The point is, love them, hate them.. I got a lot of frustration out at Backlash. I am fed up to here being in Jeremy and Torrie 's shadow. From here on out, its all about ME".

:- The Rated R Superstar Adam Copeland:- "Its all about us. Though I am sure That Jericho thinks he will blow right past me. Same as I am sure all the Elite feel they will make everyone else look weak and pathetic."

-: CMF Cutie Brandon Wilson:-" I don’t give a damn what any of them do, its all the same every week".

:- The Rated R Superstar Adam Copeland:- 'Yeah they are getting very predictable. Anyone else notices that, lets see a show of hands".

All hands go up around the room.

:-The Strongest Man In The CMF Dave Batista:- " Not to change the subject here, but Ontario... Adam what do you see in Chris?. The man is loud and obnoxious."

:- The Rated R Superstar Adam Copeland:- "Yeah but he's talented and he's not a bad guy when you get to know him."

:-The Strongest Man In The CMF Dave Batista:- " "Good I can consider him a bad guy then because I will never get to know him."

-: CMF Cutie Brandon Wilson:-" And why should you.".

:-The Strongest Man In The CMF Dave Batista:- " The only thing I want to know about Chris Ontario is how long its gonna take him to drop to the mat."

-: CMF Cutie Brandon Wilson:-" How about I guess…. Five minutes in to your match?'.

:-The Strongest Man In The CMF Dave Batista:- " I will take that bet. But what about your own match?".

-: CMF Cutie Brandon Wilson:-" My own against Mercy is different. When I kick his ass, I become the U.S. champion. Something I wanted for awhile now. Ever since his deranged looking ass showed up. I am coming into my own, boys, its al about the youngest in the Wilson clan. This is my time, my year."

:- The Rated R Superstar Adam Copeland:- " I got to admit, I liked that damn 540 marital arts kick you leveled Jeremy with".

-: CMF Cutie Brandon Wilson:-" I did too, and I hit him with it perfectly, he didn’t his own name for two hours afterwards I bet".

:-The Strongest Man In The CMF Dave Batista:- "Well nothing is on the line in my own match, but still I intend to win it".

:- The Rated R Superstar Adam Copeland:- " I think that’s what everybody intends to do, right Maria?".

-: CMF 's Sexiest Diva Maria Kanellis:- " That's right. Even if I am not quite as to who Barbie or Shelly is or what planet she is on at any given moment".

:- The Rated R Superstar Adam Copeland:- " Yeah but you got be careful Maria, What if she blows that mist in your face or something?".

-: CMF Cutie Brandon Wilson:-" That’s true enough, things could take a nasty turn".

-: CMF 's Sexiest Diva Maria Kanellis:- " Rumor has it that you and Torrie came to see her the other day".

:-The Strongest Man In The CMF Dave Batista:- "So what if we did?".

-: CMF Cutie Brandon Wilson:-" That’s just like my sister, taking another nut job in under her wing".

:-The Strongest Man In The CMF Dave Batista:- " I don’t exactly how to take that…"

-: CMF Cutie Brandon Wilson:-" Take it anyway you want big man".

:-The Strongest Man In The CMF Dave Batista:- "Let me remind you Brandon, that this isn’t Jeremy or Orton your screwing with. If you got something to say, say it."

Maria's eyes get wide, hoping things remained calm as Adam speaks up.

:- The Rated R Superstar Adam Copeland:- " Okay relax guys".

-: CMF Cutie Brandon Wilson:-" I am just saying that Torrie is great at taking people in, and trying to help them. Like Barbie for instance. That’s all".

:- The Rated R Superstar Adam Copeland:- "Well she has her work cut out for her then".

-: CMF 's Sexiest Diva Maria Kanellis:- " I am not put off by Barbie or this match we have. I am perfectly able to pin Barbie and pick up the win. If everyone else feels I can't or not".

-: CMF Cutie Brandon Wilson:-" So where has Mallory been lately?. We haven’t seen her around".

:- The Rated R Superstar Adam Copeland:- "She been under the weather, but she is feeling better now. As a matter of fact, I need get to back and check on her".

:-The Strongest Man In The CMF Dave Batista:- " Same here, Torrie and I got some things to do this afternoon".

With Adam and Dave leaving, Brandon walks them to the door. Mario watching carefully as the all three step out into the hallway, then she turns her mind back to her match at Rampage.